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About Coastie75

Coastie75 specializes in Student.

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  1. Changing Careers At 42

    I just graduated with my BSN, May 12, and I turn 48 in August. My only advice is don't under estimate how hard nursing school is. Plus, the process changes you as person. So get ready for blood, sweat and tears. I say this, not to deter to you, but t...
  2. University of Miami ABSN Summer 2022

    Hi. So I hear their admissions board meets the last week of the month. So hopefully you hear sometime next week. Good luck.
  3. University of Miami ABSN Summer 2022

    Hi. I was accepted Monday, and I’m still dealing with the excitement/shock. I also put in a request for the facebook group. looking forward to meeting everyone.
  4. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    I don’t know either of you, but I’m very happy for you. Keep the faith! ???
  5. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Did any of you apply for PBSC and BC? By the way, you’re all going to get accepted. Keep the faith. Although, I’m going to be in the same predicament in May 2022.
  6. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Try to register for the classes, and you should be able to deduce what your schedule will look like. Just an idea.
  7. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    OK, here is my take on the class schedule. From what I’m told, the Broward program is tough, and they don’t tolerate BS. Some of our classmates will already be working at a fire department or medical facility and now pursuing their RN. If your in the...
  8. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    I have zero medical background, I’m a little nervous about getting accepted. I also have to take the HESI during Winter break.
  9. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    How did the HESI test go? Also, do any of you have a medical background? Just curious. I was reading a post for San Francisco State, and an applicant had a 4.0, 88% on the TEAS and 7,000 hours as a CNA and “hoping” for an interview.
  10. University of Miami ABSN - Spring 2022

    Congratulations. Any suggestions for the application process?
  11. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Just remember, it’s takes a lot to apply in the first place. So, there are a limited number of people applying anyway. Keep the faith. You’ll be fine.
  12. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Did you read the number of accepted in their last session? It was 200. The previous two sessions were only 160, so you would probably get in. also, with the shortage of nurses, there is a push to get students in seats. Finally, I bet they release acc...