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About Nelly_Jo

Nelly_Jo has 3 years experience and specializes in AA.

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  1. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Thank you @LukiJ2 I sent a request.
  2. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Thanks @Coastie75
  3. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Well I saw someone put that if a group is made it would be deleted unless it was a FB Group.
  4. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @Lae jae Yes can someone make a group.
  5. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Me too!!
  6. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Thank you. I have watched Youtube videos about some of the classes already.
  7. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @LukiJ2 Go on the BC website search for the Nursing Program and it should show the dates.
  8. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    It’s based on questions you may have about the program. What your first semester may look like etc. @lwhite15
  9. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @lwhite15 I think it’s on the website I’m not too sure.
  10. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @Coastie75 Youtube really helped me.
  11. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @Coastie75 I did good on the HESI exam. No I don’t have a medical background.
  12. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @LukiJ2 I check the application status like every day just to see if they approve it there first too. I did start an Amazon List with cute things as well. Pray we all get in.
  13. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @LukiJ2 Nothing yet.
  14. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    Happy Sunday! Did anyone get an update yet? (I have not but just curious)
  15. Broward College Nursing Program Spring 2022

    @LukiJ2 I just hope it's enough to get in.