
Faithful2 ADN

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  1. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    Update: so it has been over 1 year since I graduated and was help back by debilitating anxiety and fear to work as a nurse. I wanted to come back and share the good news. I have been working now for 3 weeks as a nurse. I can’t believe it. I still str...
  2. New grad Nurse quits nursing

    How’s it going now?
  3. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    CommunityRNBSN that is absolutely incorrect. Nursing has always been a passion of mine but it is unfortunate that I have developed the HORRIBLE debilitating anxiety during school. One thing I must point out is that everyone experience anxiety in a di...
  4. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    Jkl33 I plan on starting my meds today. I just wise I would stop thinking so negatively! Always thinking of the worst case senecio!
  5. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    Sleepwalker I’ve been staring at the bottle I need to just take it!! I’m suffering for anxiety and now deep depression because I don’t know what else to do. I have a degree but fear and anxiety is holding me back. I can’t remember much from school a...
  6. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    Zapi791 I was diagnosed with GAD but nursing really made my anxiety worst. I was able to cope in other fields before nursing school, but for some reason I cannot handle the stress pertaining to nursing. I think I really need to consider taking t...
  7. New grad debilitating anxiety is causing me to not work

    Londonflo Clinicals was horrible for me. I loved the learning aspect of the classroom setting but once I had to go to Clinicals I felt like I was literally having a heart attack. Just to setting up a simple IV pump sets my anxiety through the roof. I...
  8. I’m a new grad nurse who graduated in March but severe debilitating anxiety is stopping me from working . I see a therapist regularly, however therapy is not helping. I was also prescribed meds which I REFUSE to take due to possible side effects. At ...
  9. B
