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About Sickandtired_RN

Sickandtired_RN has 4 years experience and specializes in Neurosurgical.

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    100% @hppygr8fulAlthough I do agree that sometimes nurses forget to be empathetic of the patient’s struggles/condition, there are simply too many tasks and not enough time for a nurse to properly care for every patient when the ratio is too high...
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    They actually do, we have service standards that we are continually trained on. This includes a mandatory three day customer service orientation based on practices such as how to apologize to the patient when their expectations are not met. Which is ...
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    Literally, the worst part is that my unit has the most percentage of surveys completed and is therefore ruining the whole hospital’s scores. This is because we are the number one unit for discharges, most of our patients are there for an elective pro...
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    They do have the option to go anywhere, but they will continue to be disappointed as the ratio of nurse to patient continues to increase. I treat my patients with empathy and respect all while working 13+ hours of mentally and physically exhausting s...
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    Hi, I work on a PCU unit at a major hospital system, we are currently at “code red” status due to a surge in COVID admissions. According to the CEO >95% of admissions are non-vaccinated. Overtime contracts, burnout, and sick nurses have resu...