Spencer H

Spencer H

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About Spencer H

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  1. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    No, I havent heard anything! I am a super weird applicant though so we will see. Im 20 so I don't have much of a career behind me. Currently a behavior tech though and a lot of specialization in...
  2. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    Any other wait list friends keep me posted!! I am waiting to hear back from one other
  3. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    Hey girl! Me too. I was sad at first but am optimistic. Best of luck and keep your head
  4. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    This is so painful I was betting on 5:00
  5. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    I’m betting on Friday... I heard from most colleges on a Friday... my reasoning is it gives the office people 2 days to prep for all the irritated/confused
  6. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    @EllaGyasi- I am thinking the same thing!! Best of luck to you
  7. UNC Chapel Hill ABSN - Summer 2022

    Hey guys! I just finished the nursing CAS application and am SO nervous. I feel like so many more people will be applying with Covid... Anyone know how other ABSN programs have been affected? Best of...