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All Content by Mike1

  1. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Still haven't received an email yet. Sigh.... The saga continues.... LOL
  2. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi Maddie I haven't heard anything yet either. I think we'd start in August from the little bit I've heard, maybe around August 26?
  3. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Thank you Ivy for emailing the nursing advisor and posting that info for everybody! That's a huge relief and I appreciate it
  4. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Now the question is how long to wait to send an email to (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) asking what's happening if we don't hear anything today or the next few days.... I'm thinking I'll wait till either Thursday afternoon or Friday morning to email Barb i...
  5. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    LOL Noel me too! That would be awesome! Maddie that was great that you got a C taking the A/P II in that 2 week session (and awesome that you got the A now). I think I'm rubbing skin off my fingers from refreshing my email so much
  6. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    LOL! You are so right Maddie - they should accept us all for making us wait like this, I couldn't agree with you more.. This waiting just sucks so bad, I know we've all worked so hard and so long getting to this point.
  7. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Morning everybody. I still haven't received an email from (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME); just wondering if anyone has heard anything. Sorry to keep troubling y'all over and over. Ugh the wait LOL
  8. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Anybody get anything yet? Still nothing here, hopefully tomorrow I suppose
  9. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi Maddie and thank you!
  10. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Dang, I still haven't received an email. Anyone got one yet? (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) told me I'd get one by today the 5th with the "official points" on it, that's the same thing y'all heard from her right?
  11. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Same here - I'm checking email every five or ten minutes LOL and nothing yet here either. This is just brutal LOL. Crossing my fingers for everybody that we all get good news
  12. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi ya'll - anybody get anything yet today about official points? Ugh the waiting ? LOL... Thanks Maddie for replying back to me so fast on Friday - crossing fingers that you hear good news!
  13. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi everybody, has anyone received the email with your official points yet? I haven't gotten mine but hoping to get it today. I'm assuming after we get the email with our official points that it'll be a few days to a week or so before they send out em...
  14. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    I'm wondering how many people applied too. Got a 3.5gpa on the pre-reqs and a 94.40 on the HESI but only 25.9 points total (don't have pharmacology and Microbiology in the support courses done) and hoping I'll get an interview. Hopefully we'll get th...
  15. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi Maddie I'm Mike. I'd bet the 31 points you have should get you an interview (based off what I've read from the previous application period). Did you get an interview the last time when you had 25 points?
  16. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Thank you Jackie and thank you Noel for replying back!
  17. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi everybody it's Mike (again, LOL). Anyone hear anything further about applications/interviews etc...? I actually haven't gotten a reply from --------------------- or anyone stating that they received my application; just from ---------------------...
  18. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Dang, sometime before April 5th, that's a long time for us to wait LOL - Figured it'd be sooner based off the last application period back in September. I'm glad you got the email Jackie that's great that you know that you're "in the loop" so to spe...
  19. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Has anyone heard anything on interviews yet? I'm guessing probably not just yet because ----------------------- told me they're still going thru applications but was just curious.
  20. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi Roberta thank you for replying back to me with that, I appreciate it. Hope your day's going good ? Thank you Jackie for getting back to me! Crossing fingers for you and everybody to get in
  21. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi everybody it's Mike again. How did y'all submit your application packet? I sent mine thru Adobe Acrobat DC Pro and also thru my gmail (and I told ------------------- in an email how I'd sent them) after I password protected everything. From my end...
  22. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi Noel, hi Jackie! Thank you both for replying back to me! I only have the ethics (A) and A&P2 (B) done for the support courses and looks like I'll have to wait till Summer to take any of the other support courses. Got the application in on the ...
  23. Mike1

    Brookhaven Fall 2021

    Hi everybody, I'm Mike. Did anyone get either an automated reply or one directly from one of the admin after sending your application packet to "[email protected]" stating that they received the packet? And any thoughts on point totals...