almost_A_nurse BSN

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  1. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Yay! So happy for all of us!
  2. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Yup, okay…that makes sense.
  3. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Nope. It means defaulted on a loan.
  4. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Hmmm, that is weird. I’ve never heard of that form. It’s interesting that it isn’t mentioned anywhere in the scholarship packet.
  5. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    My program is an ABSN in Illinois around $56K
  6. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Nope, you should still be able to get Medicaid.
  7. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I JUST GOT MY FINALIST EMAIL ??????????? ABSN program starts the 30th.
  8. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Good luck with classes!
  9. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    Good morning! I’m sitting patiently waiting for a finalist email this morning ?? how about the rest of you? How are you feeling? Since getting the credit check, my nerves have subsided a bit. my fingers are crossed for those of you who have...
  10. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I’m starting an ABSN program this month.
  11. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I’m on my flight and just received a credit inquiry!
  12. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I’ve been thinking the same thing. What are the odds of that
  13. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I just thought about this question! So for those of you that already received a credit check, when did you submit your application?
  14. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR THE REASSURANCE!!! I’m sure we ALL needed this!
  15. almost_A_nurse

    HRSA 2021-2022

    I don’t see anything on my report either