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About iwantfreckles

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  1. HRSA Nurse corp scholarship 2022-2023

    Hi all - I am a little confused about this scholarship. I am currently completing the application for my accelerated nursing program. It started in January 2022 and runs through March of 2023. If I get accepted fort the scholarship, does it back pay?...
  2. OHSU ABSN 2021

    Our deposit needs to be postmarked by March 27th
  3. OHSU ABSN 2021

    Congrats! For all of those accepted into the Winter 2022 cohort, I just created a FB group if you'd like to connect: https://www.facebook.com/groups/194748035782228
  4. OHSU ABSN 2021

    Me too! I actually applied for Summer 2021 but they offered me a spot in Winter 2022! Congrats everyone!
  5. OHSU ABSN 2021

    I received an email saying I didn't make it this time.
  6. OHSU ABSN 2021

    Is yours just the DNP? I applied to the PMHNP program and haven’t heard anything! ? also, congrats!
  7. OHSU ABSN 2021

    I also applied to the PMHNP program and haven't heard anything. Fingers crossed for both of us! It's so hard to wait!