

Looking for nursing programs

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All Content by CarolynR.EmoryDABSN21

  1. Nightingale College Fall 2020 Start

    Hey if any current students could give an update of the program that would be great ?? are classes on zoom with classmates and teacher or are we self teaching by watching prerecorded lectures ? I am mainly referring to the nursing cour...
  2. Nightingale College Fall 2020 Start

    Hey how is the program so far?? Hey are the classes on zoom with classmates and teacher or self taught by watching lecture videos??
  3. Nightingale College 2021

    Hi so I was told I could combine some clinicals possibly. Which ones are really short like only 5 to 10 days? Those are the ones they are saying I could combine in one semester. And do one in the middle and then one at the end. also for t...
  4. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    so when I start the program in August of 2021 then my clinicals will be jan 2022 so do you think everything will probably be back to normal by then for emory or not really? don't really want to pay 71K for virtual simulations haha
  5. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    Would the next semester be the Summer semester so RN?
  6. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    are you in the DABSN in In EMory program? I though you started in August 2020? Since youre graduating this august. So this Spring in jan is when you started clinicals right? We were told those students all this year had in person clinicals no virtual...
  7. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    they arent doing virutally anymore. that was just bc of covid. now everyone is required to have a vaccine they just set an email out the other day
  8. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    So for the whole last year since you started last august only 2 people have had clinicals the whole time ? Where were the rest of y’all. In Atlanta?
  9. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    so for the first semester of clinicals how many were most students doing a week? one or two clinical shifts and for how long?
  10. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    Have what cohort are you in ? Could you explain this further ? I know once clinicals starts we only have actual classes two days a week. So how many days are clinicals each week and for how many hours ? I keep seeing varying answers . Is it one 12 hr...
  11. Emory DABSN grads end up in California?

    yes in the Summer cohort
  12. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    did you get in?? good luck!
  13. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    hey what semester/cohort are you in. I know they had alot of changes last year they couldnt control bc of covid
  14. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    there is a classmate in my cohort that moved to seattle from CA so that should work for you
  15. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    there is three classes RN. one is not bad at all but like a waste of the zoom time for sure. she just goes on and on and we can lear everything we need to know for exam just from the prerecorded lectures. with the patho/pharm claass you need to stay ...
  16. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    I believe a few classmates do but it is a lot of studying exams are every Monday and there is ATI material do throughout the week so you can to stay on track with everything or you will get really behind Yes but the small groups over zoom is...
  17. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    I don’t feel like I’m really learning anything during zoom time slots bc we are just in small groups answering discussion questions they post on Canvas (the online turn in assignment platform). I would rather them lecture over the PowerPoints during ...
  18. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    Also as a heads up be sure to have all Vaccination records on hand, make sure you have the three hepatis b shots or get the titer test done. Make sure you have a TB test from the last 6 months no longer than that. Get your BLS certificate. You w...
  19. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    Y’all should try contacting the dean of the program. About you applications . But they really do wait until a couple months before to tell ppl. I found out middle of March and the program started in May for Summer 2021.
  20. Emory D-ABSN 2021

    I’m in the program now. Personally we are three weeks in not sure if it’s worth the money spent. It’s a reverse classroom style so a little weird to get used to. Instead of lecturing in class we just get in small groups and discuss and then answer qu...
  21. Nightingale College Fall 2020 Start

    Hey thanks for that they have already sent me that form and I have completed anatomy, physiology, English 1, algebra, psychology, nutrition, sociology, statistics, western civilization, Microbiology, communication, cultural anthropology , and philoso...
  22. Nightingale College Fall 2020 Start

    Hey can you lmk what classes you have left to take to make your program length only 16 months? They are trying to tell me it would take me 3 years but I have all GEs complete so that time doesnt really make sense
  23. Nightingale College Fall 2020 Start

    Hi, can you update about if those clinicals are still online? I am thinking of joining this program but they are telling me it would take 3 years which makes no sense since I have all GEs completed besides Technical Writing. Hi, ...
  24. Nightingale College 2021

  25. Nightingale College 2021

    Hey so if you do not live near the clinical sites and have to travel do they allow you to take more than one clinical in a semester? Hi, So since you have to travel does it make the program longer for you? I am a little confused a...