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All Content by Mots08

  1. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I'm glad I'm not the only one going crazy from all the waiting! I honestly don't think I have the best chance at West Hills because they deduct points for courses not being completed which makes me less competitive. I'm like just let me know so I can...
  2. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Because I've lost it and commented about the wrong school! LOL. I applied to Merced college and West Hills and mixed up my nurses threads. ? my brain! I guess I better edit that to not confuse others too. LOL
  3. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    I'm not sure but it would be interesting to know. I'm in Sanger about 40mins from there too so it would be cool to have some clinicals closer to home. Edit: to change to proper mileage and school.
  4. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Someone called last week and they said we wouldn't know til the week of April 5th or possibly even the week of the 12th. If you go on the West Hills nursing page there is a document called multi-criteria for admission. If you click on it, it has...
  5. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Dang, I wish it was before Spring break! Thanks for checking.
  6. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Oh man, I definitely understand the free woman need. Hahaha. Although now that I have no more babies to nurse I kinda miss it. Motherhood is weird ? Good luck to you!!
  7. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Fun! My twins will be 2 in June. I have 6 kiddos total.
  8. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Oh, I also applied to National at the end of last year. I made top 45 and had an interview but unfortunately didn't make top 20. I was 3 points off from their lowest score accepted. Bummer but also not too sad cause the price tag with that one was yi...
  9. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I applied to West Hills in Jan. Should be hearing within the next 2 weeks but I'm not hopeful for that one. I get points deducted for not having Chem completed or nutrition so I think that will make me less competitive.
  10. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Definitely not looking forward to the waiting. May 28th seems so far away! It is nice to know a date though since other schools just tend to say 8-10 weeks or something along those lines. Good luck everyone!!
  11. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I did!! After checking it over 10 times. LOL. Why is it so nerve wracking?!
  12. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Correct. All the info that you input will be from your first score. You will attach your second attempt though.
  13. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Awesome! Tomorrow is the day. Good luck to you!!
  14. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I printed just the first page and then scanned it in.
  15. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    The waiting is the absolute worst.
  16. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I was hoping you got apps confused cause I was starting to think I did something wrong ?
  17. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I asked a counselor and they said just the first page.
  18. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I'll let you know next week. How are statuses changing if applications can't be submitted until next Monday? Maybe I'm misunderstanding.
  19. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I only attached the first page like it showed in the example and I keep wondering if I should attach the whole thing. I would hate to get it thrown out on having done it wrong. Irene, Can you tell us if you submitted just the first page...
  20. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Anyone else hate just waiting around to submit the application?! I'm starting to get anxious!
  21. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Yup, makes sense. Hopefully it all is good! Gotcha. I forget that you could get extra points.
  22. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    Liliana Renner is the counselor that helped me with everything. I had to get the equivalency evaluation, the GPA form, and the class substitution. Oh man, that stinks. I've been working on all my stuff since January. Since nutrition isn't requi...
  23. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I just got the email that they accepted my upper level math substitution. I'm so relieved!
  24. Merced College FA 2021/ SP 2022 Applicants

    I'm not sure. I read through everything they have posted and I didn't see an amount. I would be interested to know though.
  25. West Hills CC Fall 2021 RN Program

    Haven't heard anything yet but they said 8-10 weeks so that would put us at the last week of March.