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All Content by FutureNP90

  1. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hypothesis: I think it's a mix of volume of applicants and also to see if peoples personalities match the job description? maybe? From what I've researched about a Nurse CM is that they manage and support the patient one on one vs an FNP who usually ...
  2. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I agree its weird, a bit unsettling LOL, and makes me anxious about the upcoming responses ? The only way I can imagine admissions is doing this, is if they still had enough seats to continue considering students while sending out responses, meaning ...
  3. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    haha @jasminemilktea and others can correct me if Im wrong, but that is a lot to ask of them! And Im sure as much as @jasminemilktea wants to help us, they may want to keep a competitive edge during this time. ??‍♀️ Maybe after the interviews h...
  4. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Thank you so much for this! You are super cool for updating us, thank you thank you. Your advice and update does help ease my mind a bit, really thank you!
  5. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I hope it went well today! I literally have not been able to eat all day Im so nervous, probably won't be able to until tomorrow evening haha
  6. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Congrats to the CM applicants that are hearing back! Its almost Monday!! Good luck to everyone interviewing over the next two weeks and any good juju you got, send it this way too! We got this!
  7. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    ...waitlisted too! I also wonder what the odds are
  8. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    I haven't ? I know people say don't think too much into it, but Im not the greatest candidate and seeing that there have been many acceptances already (and theres probably more since not everyone is on this site), feeling kinda discouraged, so Ill be...
  9. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    sorry! weird computer glitch made me copy and rewrite my previous post LOL
  10. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    It really says something when your process deters students from keeping their application in the running. The first wave found out super early, so if they want to save their seat they had to submit a deposit before finding out from other schools, and...
  11. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    You think that was bad, you should've seen the CUSON decisions.... literally horrid.
  12. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    congrats! you are still obligated to send memes though hahaha you will also end up at the school you are meant to be at! yay for you!
  13. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    haha I routinely look at previous years forums when Im questioning myself, and last year (albeit it was right when Covid-19 was getting really serious), people heard throughout the week. IDK, Im just being hopeful and wishing good juju for everyone h...
  14. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    @Nadia Siddiqui - I would not assume that at all! In the past these emails always come in waves or over a few days. Do not do not do not be discouraged we still have the rest of the month to go. ??
  15. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    For FNP I believe so. There were only 8 links in the email, and when you sign up, it mentions that there is space for 12 people in the interview slot.
  16. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    ahahaha! tell me why Im also on that same page trying to figure out the same thing!! I do think its for the entire 2020? It doesn't specify Sac or Oakland, maybe both Spring and Fall?
  17. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    not sure, but I imagine if there are 12 seats per interview slot that would make about 96 interviewees?
  18. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    not sure if you are on your phone, but if so you may need to go to a computer? maybe that may help?
  19. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Very excited to meet you guys over the next few weeks! good luck to you all ?
  20. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    yeah, I want to email her but I really appreciate it when I get updates from you guys on the forum. @ld93 is Anne going to get back to you with an update from the admissions team?
  21. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hopefully! I think what makes it hard is that we don't know when we are going to hear back. Like, if we had a date, we are just waiting for that date to come. But since we don't its agonizing because you don't know if today is the day...or not.
  22. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    This is agonizing haha (I laugh because if not, Ill cry).
  23. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    I agree!! I think the key word here is enrollment and enrolled, makes me think that you have an option to officially register in a class through the graduate option. EEK! ?
  24. Johns Hopkins Entry into Nursing (MSN) Fall 2021

    I don't unfortunately so I cant check, but Im thinking this is good news for you?! ? right? Very cryptic but leaning in a positive and hopeful direction
  25. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Good luck!! Good luck to you too!! Has anyone heard back for interviews for FNP?