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All Content by FutureNP90

  1. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    just requested to be part of the group on facebook!
  2. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Congratulations! See you there! And Thank you @Emilio Huerta! When you have a chance e can you post it here as well? I don't have facebook ?
  3. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I went to snooze my alarm clock at 9:05 and saw the notification for the email! Very excited and grateful to join this cohort and meet you all! Did anyone start a Discord for this forum/cohort already?
  4. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I hope so too ? and congrats to her!
  5. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I havent made a portal account because its only for admitted students. Did your friend already have an account?
  6. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I hope so too! I don't know how things are scheduled but I think the Fall BSN cohort finds out tomorrow? Which makes me think we may not find out until later, but still, I hope to hear back soon!
  7. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I think thats wonderful! At least you know the fundamentals, and regardless it will help you serve a specific community!
  8. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    I agree, just being hopeful since it sounds like they say that and on occasion reach out earlier? Some CM students were told two weeks and they found out within the week. I guess its just the wait, its killing mehhh!!
  9. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Also, just wondering, if anyone has looked into this, but from previous forums I have read about the Portal? I was able to find it, but IDK about filling out the info and stuff?
  10. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    me too! Tomorrow starts a whole new week of maybe finding out!
  11. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Congratulations on getting in @chellachelle! you say that so casually haha What other languages are you mildly bilingual in? Its a great advantage!
  12. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Congratulations @pdx!! Thats great ???? ! Has anyone into any other scholarships or federal programs to help pay?
  13. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    @chellachelle do you think this is important?
  14. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hey all! How's everyone doing? Anyone heard back from FNP at all? Any more CM applicants? Hope everyone is doing well! ??
  15. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    aw shoot, Im sorry @vvsnursing, you are right though, you aren't done and I believe in you! Nursing is your calling and you got this! ? the ELMSN Spring 2022 application is already open, not sure if thats too far distance-wise, but still an option (I...
  16. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Ohh nice I love a good pastry or cake *nom*. If you want to get into bread and don't have much to go off I highly recommend the book "Flour Water Salt Yeast" by Forkish. It's literally the basics of bread and is a really good place to start, it cover...
  17. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    yes!! baking! I definitely baked a few loaves of sourdough bread (not even due to the pandemic hype) and funfetti cakes! I had to stop, I felt the diabetes creeping haha
  18. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    haha me too! I watch a ton of Youtube videos and find myself wishing I was in their shoes, then reality hits. Thank you for the reco, Ill check it out!
  19. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hows everyone feeling today!? Im super excited for those who received acceptances already, and mildly jealous that you guys are not sitting in this limbo I feel is like purgatory lmao @ those accepted, keep us posted on the financial aid info (i...
  20. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    How long do applicants who want to be considered for CM have to make changes and submit their application?
  21. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Do you think the first week of April means the week of March 28th or the week of April 4th?
  22. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    Hey @mobeeezy! Im not looking for housing since Im in the area, but there are a lot of new apt buildings in the area! Not sure what your circumstances are (apt vs house, rent vs buy, roommates vs alone) but, theres a website called forrentuniversity....
  23. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    ooo you got the inside scoop @JenforNP haha, jk. I hope it went well for you today! But I can definitely see them adding a day though, depending on how many applicants turned down the interview (if they got accepted somewhere else), then having to no...
  24. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    No way! I didn't know, my email only provided dates until the 22nd, so I figured 24 applicants × the 4 days. So they opened up appointments for Tuesday the 23rd too? Alright y'all we got a 20% chance! ? ????
  25. Samuel Merritt University ELMSN Fall 2021

    agreed! it was confirmed in the interview it was 24 seats for FNP this cohort ? and with 96 interviews thats about a 25% chance for those who interviewed (if the math is correct)