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All Content by mishie101

  1. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    You have to request it again. The only thing that roles over is the stuff from the general application. Once you add the program to your application you basically start from scratch when it comes to answering whatever questions or requests that schoo...
  2. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Based on the trend it seems as if emails only come at around 7am. Based on that I don't think any more will be sent today, and someone said they don't work weekends. So that means sometime next week potentially? I think its ridiculous to do this sort...
  3. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Is there a phone number we can call? The way they are going about this is just strange to say the least... or was that the phone call that they did not respond to?
  4. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    It just doesn't make sense to me why they'd send it out in waves, especially rejections. Has anyone asked them why?
  5. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Congrats everyone! I guess I am a little bit confused on why some people have not received emails yet? Regardless of acceptance/waitlist/rejection everyone gets an email. But it doesn't make sense for it to go out in waves, does it? Especially if its...
  6. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    It might be a good idea to mentally prepare yourself to not receive a decision until thanksgiving. Go ahead and start on the next application and try to move on best you can. You're going to drive yourself crazy if you get up each morning thinking it...
  7. CSUEB - Cal State East Bay Fall 2020

    Congrats on getting off the list! I'm sure you can relate when I say its a bit frustrating, especially since they do not release rankings. Did they tell you what number you were when they offered you a spot? I'm trying to figure out roughly how many ...
  8. CSUEB - Cal State East Bay Fall 2020

    Hi guys, I’m curious to see if there is anyone on this thread that is still on the waitlist? It’s mentally exhausting being strung along and given that the program doesn't start for another year I’m thinking I should just give up hope. If anyone happ...