sarah george

sarah george

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All Content by sarah george

  1. Racism in Nursing: Is It Real?

    Yes I have experienced discrimination because I was white I used to work as a caregiver at two jobs when most of them were minorities and I was picked on for being the white,don't judge a situation you haven't been in. People who think like me? every...
  2. Racism in Nursing: Is It Real?

    No one is oppressed because of the color of their skin,blacks and Hispanics get the most help compared to whites and Asians. We have affirmative action laws and Black and Hispanic scholarships. If we have laws and policies to help people of color how...
  3. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Do you have to take Summer classes for the RN?
  4. Santa Ana nursing fall 2020

    What was your work experience that you used to apply to santa ana
  5. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Were you accepted right away or were you an alternative and then got in
  6. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Did they say anything about moving the nursing program back to fully on campus for fall or next Spring?
  7. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Is the online class the same 8:00 a.m. to 4:00?
  8. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    How many points did you have
  9. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    How long are you on campus for each day? What time do you start as well?
  10. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Thank you for replying what is the schedule look like for you
  11. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Is the nursing program online for Spring
  12. Racism in Nursing: Is It Real?

    there are white people that go through the same thing it's not always about race.
  13. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Where did your friend take the pharmacology course
  14. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Does anyone know the schedule for the classes like what time classes start and end?
  15. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    What is your work experience?
  16. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    do you know what the cutoff number was for accepted students?
  17. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Did you use the words patients or clients in your letter
  18. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Did they call your supervisor?
  19. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Did you put copies of your certification in your application? I have the same experience but I wasn't sure if they would accept it Did you work in a group home
  20. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    What was your work experience
  21. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    How many points did you have
  22. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    How many points did you have?
  23. Santa Ana Nursing ADN Spring 2021

    Did you get in to santa ana college?
  24. Golden West ADN Spring 2021

    Hey how many points did you have?
  25. Golden West ADN Spring 2021

    did you get in? hey how many points do you have?