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  1. Rush University CRNA 2021

  2. Rush University CRNA 2021

    I made a facebook page (Rush CRNA 2021 cohort) for us to all connect and we can share it with the others who aren’t on this thread as we get more information from the
  3. Rush University CRNA 2021

    Hey guys! Congratulations to everyone. I was accepted as well. I think a facebook group would be
  4. Rush University CRNA 2021

    Hello all! I hope Everyone’s interviews went well! Did anyone happen to ask when we might be hearing something back on acceptance
  5. Rosalind Franklin CRNA 2021

    Hi all! I was invited to an interview as well! Mine will be in mid-October. My email says "Doctor of Nursing Practice: Nurse Anesthesia Entry program". which is the CRNA program. Also, I noticed there...
  6. Rush University CRNA 2021

    I am interviewing at Rush on the 24th and was wondering if anyone can shed some light as to what to expect? No need to share specific details, just any insight that can ease my mind! My anxiety is...
  7. Rush University CRNA 2021

    I just received an e-mail invitation, super nervous already. I am interviewing for the 2021 cohort on the 24th of this