Peter RN

Peter RN


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All Content by Peter RN

  1. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I left my job a week before the date I had to start OTS. There will be online modules they’ll tell you be required to complete before arrival so I did those during that time. Other people showed up having not completed any of them but had time to co...
  2. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Oh OK thanks! I’m halfway done with my MSN so that’s good news because I’m just going in as clinical nurse so not sure if they would let me take those other courses right away.
  3. Air Force nursing FY2021

    One of the ways you can meet the requirement for the retention bonus says having “Bachelors Plus”. Does that mean being working on your Master’s?
  4. Air Force nursing FY2021

    My recruiter told me he’s been doing this for five years and each year they’ve taken 35-40 clinical nurses but that’s all I know.
  5. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Recruiter sent me the booklet. I think its attached to this post but never tried before so let me know if it doesn’t show FY21 NC Pay Plan.pdf
  6. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Thanks for the info! I’ll definitely look into this!
  7. Air Force nursing FY2021

    So he was able to get a retention bonus right away? That’s not just for people already in?
  8. Air Force nursing FY2021

    My recruiter just sent me paperwork for an accession bonus! Wasn’t expecting that at all
  9. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I thought 5 week too but recruiter said 8 week. Told me 5 week is just for dentists and doctors.
  10. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I looked up base housing for Keesler and for the application it says you can have a letter in lieu of orders for people who don’t have official orders yet so maybe that’s a thing at other bases too
  11. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Oh wow you are old! LOL jk. But yeah on the map it looks like a good area. The only info I’ve ever really heard was from when I was a young airmen from other young airmen who base everything off of how they liked the bars and strip clubs LOL
  12. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I put choose from either. I’ve heard people complain about the base and area but then again, everyone in the Air Force complains about every base, even bases I’ve liked so I’m sure it’ll be fine
  13. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Keesler MS
  14. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Got my assignment. It was my last choice but at least I now know
  15. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Recruiter called and told me I will find out today
  16. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I got an email from [email protected] that told me OTS report date and prerequisite course material stuff I had to do
  17. Air Force nursing FY2021

    My hospital sent out an email this week saying when a Covid vaccine is available it will be optional, yet getting a flu vaccine is mandatory... I’m not following the logic behind that
  18. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Yeah I went TDY to Germany a month ago and had to quarantine for 2 weeks when I got back. My base is also canceling drill weekend for December because of Covid spike so looks like more restrictions are on the way...
  19. Air Force nursing FY2021

    My recruiter told me they try to cut orders a month before your class start date. And that yes, reservists usually get their pay screwed up for the first few months ?
  20. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I’m currently in the Air Force reserve so not sure if that expedited my class date at all. But I like the FB idea too.
  21. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Has anyone heard when they are going to officer training? I was told January 5th which is so much quicker than expected
  22. Air Force nursing FY2021

    AFPC doesn’t work weekends so nothing would come out until Monday.
  23. Air Force nursing FY2021

    I didn’t really have much hope for today seeing how yesterday was Veterans Day and people were mostly off or not doing much. Friday always seemed more likely to me so they could get it out of the way before the weekend but that’s just my opinion. We’...
  24. Air Force nursing FY2021

    The CN said he did interviews for southeast, from NC down to FL. Said he had 10 interviews total with me being only clinical nurse one.
  25. Air Force nursing FY2021

    Oh wow that was a lot of positions. The CN who interviewed me said I was the only clinical nurse applicant for his entire region so If it’s anything close to that this year I like my odds