
Nurse_Sassy BSN, RN


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About Nurse_Sassy

Nurse_Sassy has 8 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Informatics.

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  1. Pay raise/Maternity leave

    Thanks for your replies! I'm going to wait until after maternity leave and see what they say. If its a big no....then I'll use that time to go back to school maybe or find a remote job in research. I'm trying not to stress about it now since I have o...
  2. Pay raise/Maternity leave

    Hi everyone. I could use some advice. I work as an Research Coordinator for pharmaceutical company working M-F 8 hours. I love where I work and I would love to stay with them. I’m about to go on maternity leave and by the time I get back I will be ov...