Guest 1152923

Guest 1152923

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All Content by Guest 1152923

  1. Patient going to complain against me?

    One additional comment; if an otherwise healthy, young patient is having this much pain and requiring this much analgesia for renal colic then; A) They may have another, more serious etiology for their pain and need to be further evaluated by the MD ...
  2. Patient going to complain against me?

    Wow! So sorry for this experience but you sound as if you are a very competent, attentive nurse and handled the situation brilliantly!! My take; in terms of pain control, whenever I hear "it's the only thing that works"-HUGE, HUGE red flag for me! ...
  3. Best Shoes for Nursing

    I laugh sometimes because new or newer nurses always seem to gravitate to Danskos as they seem to have become almost a fashion statement for medical professionals. I'm a RN of thirty years and as a bedside nurse, have worn almost every shoe availabl...
  4. Help Me Decide Based On Your Experience

    This is such a relative question. Personally, as an older nurse with no kids, work/life balance is my #1 consideration so I would opt for the less hours/stress and perhaps, less pay. Hospitals and LTCs are likely going to require weekends, holidays...
  5. Am I setting myself for failure wanting to be an RNFA?

    Yes, that seems to be the current trend. I shouldn't have said 'never' before in my previous comment but they in my experience, they are quite rare in other areas of the country (especially CST FAs).
  6. Considering Quitting My Job- Had Enough (Kind of a Vent Post)

    I've been per diem at several hospitals and though there was sometimes a minimum, monthly, work requirement, there was never a penalty for calling out on extra scheduled days. I seriously doubt this is really your employer's policy and your manager ...
  7. Holiday Sick Calls From Self-Centered Staff

    I've worked in many parts of the country and this is true except for some West Coast, unionized facilities that I have been at. I know staff that consistently call off once a week or once every two weeks and have done so for years. Even without FML...
  8. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    KalipsoRed21, while I agree to an extent, in this 'sue happy' society, liability insurance could provide a level of protection to your family's assets. These assets could otherwise be seized or your salary garnished for years and years to pay for wr...
  9. Being replaced?

    Job boards are notoriously wrong and some HR departments even keep filled positions posted to generate more outside interest...kind of like used car lots keeping sold vehicles posted online for the same reason now that I think of it. Haha
  10. Am I setting myself for failure wanting to be an RNFA?

    You could do either (CST or RN) and find a pathway to becoming an FA. As an OR travel RN, I have circulated and scrubbed all over the US. My experience has been that while CST and RN FAs were somewhat common in the midwest, I have never encountered...
  11. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    I guess it all comes down to relevance. If nurses, not working at bedside in a relatively stress free workplace, feel they are fairly compensated, good them. However, a nurse in this example to use their frame of reference to make a blanket stateme...
  12. Was it easier to practice as a nurse back in the day?

    Uh, yeah it does. You ask “who pays for it (education)? My comment’s premise being that instead of spending trillions on a very bloated national defense system, we (taxpayers) instead invest in our citizens and fund education.
  13. Was it easier to practice as a nurse back in the day?

    Many countries either wholly or partially subsidize college and university educations for its citizens. Collectively, everyone profits either directly or indirectly with higher societal educational levels-I.e. lower unemployment, crime, homelessness...
  14. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...

    I have to agree. My BSN is from a highly regarded, major university and it was complete fluff-100%. If I had written drivel for the majority of my papers, as long as the APA formatting was comma, period, quotation mark, citation ….perfect, then th...
  15. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    Rather, nurses are speaking out about unsafe working conditions, dangerous staffing ratios, inadequate/unavailable PPEs and pay that is out of line for the amount of stress and responsibility that many nurses assume. If you want to 'make bank' by si...
  16. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    right? I didn't even get 'dangerous duty' pay for it:(
  17. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    Not contagious? Perhaps not by conventional means but I work in surgery and this patient had a brain biopsy which was later determined to be positive. Not contagious? Seriously? Who do you think handled and processed this specimen (brain matter)?...
  18. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    This is your experience in CA (with strict N/P ratios), but is no way representative of most acute care nurses working at busy hospitals in other areas of the country. As a travel RN, I have been all over the US and dangerous understaffing, insuffic...
  19. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    In your previous career, could your mistakes or omissions be directly responsible for a person's death? Were you ever exposed to assaultive/combative patients or those that were positive for infectious, highly transmissable, and deadly viruses? I ha...
  20. Where do you stand on "Nurses don't get paid enough"?

    This doesn't make much's one or the other. However, to answer your question, if you feel direct care nurses are fairly compensated when their actions/inactions often determine if a patient lives or dies, and their (nurses') careers, livel...
  21. While browsing the job listings on indeed

    Me, "would you like fries with your order or to supersize your drink?"
  22. 100%, ^^^ especially corporate healthcare today! Meh, I would have loved to have been a park ranger or nature photographer instead but those jobs are difficult to come by and don't pay what nursing does.
  23. Hard Decision

    This is a common question that arises every few weeks. As a former traveler, I strongly advise you against accepting a travel assignment with your limited experience. Not to say you’re not a competent nurses, but you simply don’t know what you don’...
  24. What have been your favorite gifts from families?

    Staff members receiving gifts from patients' families is not a good idea for a number of reasons, as well as being frowned upon by management. Why not bake cookies or order pizzas for everyone on all the shifts to enjoy? Only recognizing select sta...
  25. What was your motivation that made you become a Nurse?

    highly professional group of women. Wow! You do realize that many nurses are men, right? It's true in 2021 but has been the case for a very long time also .