Vanessa Ariana

Vanessa Ariana

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All Content by Vanessa Ariana

  1. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2020/2021

    Hi do u guys recommend getting the ebook & the textbook or is the ebook enough? thank u.
  2. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    They didn’t ask you for proof of covid vaccination?
  3. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    The covid vaccine On the intent to enroll it says must submit proof of covid vaccine. What if you only have the first shot but haven’t gotten the second one yet?
  4. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    OMG OFFICIALLY OFF THE WAITLIST! I do have a question though, what If you only have your first shot of the vaccine?
  5. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    Do you mind sharing where you were on the waitlist? I’m number 29 ? it’s good to know that they are still working down the list!
  6. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I’m right behind you at #29.. hope to hear something soon. ahh
  7. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    Has anyone on the waitlist heard anything?
  8. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    im definitely worried now LOL. I would hate to miss out on my spot because of this (if I even get an email LOL) but wouldn't want to risk it. Im emailing them right now but I highly doubt ill get a response in a quick manner. Thank you for letting us...
  9. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I wish they would have let us know about the vaccinations ahead of time so we could have decided and scheduled properly. I wonder if we only have our first shot (with the second scheduled) if they will still decline us. You were on the accepted list ...
  10. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I just noticed that you previously mentioned you were number 23 on the waitlist so that's good news they are moving down the list.
  11. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    this is very good to know, thank you for letting us know. When do you think they will start going down that list? Is there a must respond date on the letter?
  12. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    No I have not heard anything. Do you mind sharing when the accept/deny date is?
  13. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I also have not heard anything. If you do email them please let us know what they say. I heard that they have not send out emails yet to those who got in to accept or deny yet.
  14. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    Hi has any one heard anything?
  15. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    Update: I emailed them since I’m on the waitlist (#29) and basically asked when we can expect to hear back. This was the response. “the list is posted on the website. All qualified applicants will be receiving an email with directions...
  16. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I also emailed them, the response was not very helpful unfortunately. Did you get in? It seems as though only those that got admitted will be receiving an email but who knows when that’ll be LOL.
  17. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    If anyone hears anything keep us updated please ?
  18. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    true, good point hopefully that’s the case bc I’m so anxious LOL. Now I’m trying to find schools with an open application right now or soon, just in case ahhh.
  19. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    So I’m I! LOL. I bet there’s so many people that don’t even know it’s posted since they didn’t send emails out
  20. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    Yeah I would say #32! There’s so many people!! ? I’m number 29 (9 minus admits) I’m terrified since there’s only 20 admits. Hopefully most of them already got in somewhere else. Good luck fingers crossed ? I was reading the post from last year ...
  21. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    For those that got accepted do you mind sharing if you received an email and what the time frame to respond is? Just so we have an idea. Ty and congrats!
  22. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    20 people..... that’s insane. I know life’s not fair but? as number 29 I feel so sad ?
  23. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    I was reading last years post and they mentioned that Spring 2021 admits didn’t get an email until September. ? IDK if it’ll b the same this time since there was no fall.
  24. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    RIGHT! the lack of communication has me all messed up right now. The pandemic really got us.
  25. Ohlone College FALL/Spring 2021/2022

    is anyone else on here accepted and going to be declining?