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  1. Pasadena City College (PCC) LVN to RN Summer 2024

    Did anyone get the email about the requirements and instructions?
  2. Pasadena City College (PCC) LVN to RN Summer 2024

    I emailed (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) and she said she was out last week and would be sending them out this week.
  3. Pasadena City College (PCC) LVN to RN Summer 2024

    I got accepted as well! Does anyone want to exchange contact info or start a group for fall 2024 program?
  4. I did too! I am nervous and excited! The accelerated seems tough but glad it is only 15 months.
  5. I would love to know more if anyone has more info on the Schoo and curriculum?
  6. Baldy View ROP LVN 2018 Program

    I just finished all my steps/pre-reqs and am waiting for the green light to start on Jun 22nd. So excited!