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    UC Davis New Grad Residency Fall 2023

    I had to screenshot all of my documents on my computer, add them to my word document as pictures, and then convert the whole thing to PDF

    UC Davis New Grad Residency Fall 2023

    Mine finally went through as well! I attached mine in the giant document with my cover letter, resume, and transcripts

    UC Davis New Grad Residency Fall 2023

    "Error in Processing Attachment. Please use a different Attachment. (32001,1679) Uploaded .PDF attachment is Invalid and will create a problem in the application process. Please use another PDF file that the system accepts OR use a .doc or .docx e...

    UC Davis New Grad Residency Fall 2023

    Is anyone else having trouble uploading their document or is it just me?
  5. Mine also says under review since 1/18. I haven't heard anything yet but hoping to hear back soon!
  6. How many references did they ask for?
  7. Did you guys bring them some printed out letters of recommendation? I am trying not to overthink ?
  8. Did you guys just receive them?
  9. When did you receive it?
  10. Mine was about 15-20. I agree I thought it would take much longer!
  11. No nothing yet!
  12. For those who did interview, how long did your interview last? They said it could take up to an hour but I did not take that long
  13. I had mine today too! I was also told HR would reach out to me within a couple of weeks. My fingers are crossed for all of us! I was definitely nervous as well but I am really hopeful:) I hope to meet some of you guys soon in the program! Did an...
  14. OMG we might be working together soon! I tried to private message you but it says I'm allowed to send "0 messages per day". If you are able to PM me I would love to chat more!
  15. Thank you! I haven't been this excited in a while:) A few of my friends were also routed to further consideration so I think more departments will be emailing back soon!