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All Content by Nursehopeful20

  1. I had 44 pts had interview but was not offered a spot. I was able to get into a different school.
  2. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Correct, they did say to evaluate what you would need in regards to immunizations and titers because it can be a process that takes several months
  3. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Congratulations! Good luck on your journey.
  4. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    I'm assuming they let alternates know as space becomes available. If I were you, see where it'd be easier to get around too for clinicals, I have never heard of the other school just mhcc. Which school is less money, less living cost and look at rev...
  5. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    I know of one person that gave up their alternate spot since they were accepted elsewhere but they were in the teens for alternate position.
  6. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Meee! Yaaay congratulations to all of us, and to those that haven't keep trying please don't give up.
  7. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Winter! Congratulations!
  8. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    I did too!! What term?
  9. I'm not sure why they do that. I got the same thing last year and when I asked I was told it's not a top 15 alternate just an alternate. Basically we didn't make it. We can't attend the orentientation since we aren't a top 15 alternate
  10. Are you asking how many alternates get accepted? Or how many alternates they will have? If Its the first it depends. I was informed in 2018 they had gone upto alternate number 35 I believe it was. I was informed by the student themself. Last year for...
  11. I did, 2nd yr applicant. I made it to alternate list last yr.
  12. 2nd time being rejected. didn't even make it as an alternate but congratulations to you though! Good luck on your journey
  13. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Yes I think so, unless they have us to do it later on today
  14. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Eggi me either I'm freaking out. I emailed them
  15. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Oh gotcha! Sorry. I can't answer that. Hopefully someone can give u feed back on here.
  16. Nope only mt.hood
  17. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    I think you might of typed into the wrong thread I'm not familiar with monmouth
  18. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    The time limit is very nerve racking! I'm shooting got 20 minutes 25 max go get it in on time
  19. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Nervous compared to last year. I have been in medical field for 10 yrs so I dont lack experience but I am nervous to not answer something correctly. Especially in essay. You?
  20. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    #16 made it in? I had only known #18 didn't get a spot
  21. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    I keep wondering what number alternate they made it to last yr. I hope we all get in!
  22. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    What alternate number were you with MHCC?
  23. I'd have thought OHSU is most competitive. Congratulations I hope you make it in.
  24. I am also a 2nd year applicant. Days feel like they are dragging waiting FOR CCC email. I made it to 2nd phase for MHCC, I hope it is our year ?
  25. PCC/MHCC/OHSU Fall 2020

    Ticael08 good luck to you!