RN in Progress

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All Content by RN in Progress

  1. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Thought about it today... Summer hours; they are closed on Fridays, LOL! I think the last time I called was somewhere around June 7.. so fingers crossed! I will call her on Monday! I know some people get called last minute- but it would be nice to pl...
  2. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Idaudist, did you get accepted into SMU? ?
  3. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Thank you so much for this information ? good luck with everything! No doubt, you will make the best decision for yourself and your future ? keep in touch, and thanks again!
  4. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    @Kel does that mean I am in position #1 now? If you moved to #8?? I guess I could call and bug again.. LOL. Let me know ? CONGRATS on getting into CCSF!! So happy for you!
  5. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Not me yet. I’m so close... when I spoke to them, they said “I’m sure we will be taking more” but of course as time goes on.. getting nervous and more anxious. When you got in, I moved to position #2. Not sure if the person behind you has received a ...
  6. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Oh my goodness @KarinRaz7!! CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you! Eeeeeks! We will just keep bumping up and up!! Cross your fingers and toes for me! Did they give you any details about why the other person dropped? Again, CONGRATS!!! Xx
  7. RN in Progress

    Yuba College Fall 2020 Cohort

    It is not easy, but certainly do-able. You'll want to earn an A- so all of your time and effort should be dedicated to the class. Lots of notes. Probably depends on who you take it with. They are nursing faculty, so they grade as they would in a prog...
  8. RN in Progress

    Yuba College Fall 2020 Cohort

    yes it was for PATHO. it was in the top 10.. I can't remember exactly tho. 7 maybe??
  9. RN in Progress

    Yuba College Fall 2020 Cohort

    @Nursinghopeful20 I would email the prof!! Let them know you are interested- but #3 on the wait list, and you want to purchase the textbook, and what are your chances. They may allow more adds. 3 on the wait list is high. This happened to me last Sum...
  10. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    You are absolutely right nulla Crux! Karin and I both got online the night it opened.. the system glitched, and my time stamp was delayed, however, #3. So, if anything... You know for next semester! Getting on the alternate list is half the battle, s...
  11. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Well, I hated to be the one to drop the bomb... but ya know, they have until like Tuesday to make their decision- and people drop for other reasons too ? .. it is barely May, we have until August... anything can still happen. I cannot imagine that ea...
  12. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    It makes me nervous because less people will drop their spots. I mean, that's how I see it... but I will be excited if you are! hehe Very anxious over here too
  13. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Sac City received their acceptance emails. ARC is NOT having a Fall 2020 start. They won't start until jan 2021, and they won't hear if they have been accepted until Sept 1!! Which is after our start date.. If you guys hear anything from our office. ...
  14. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    So, I CANNOT tell you how or IF this will affect us, but ... a lot of the colleges are having their 1-3 semester students retake the last semester (they are allowing the 4th semester students to graduate and not repeat) So because of this - sac sta...
  15. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    My heart skipped a beat- I thought you got a call! aghhhh, LOL! I know it!... this waiting is not cool, haha! Everything is so postponed cause of COVID. This is getting intense. I'm feeling iffy- and I hate that ;'( Need some reassurance!
  16. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    yeah, it's a it confusing huh? I guess we just sit back and do noting until we hear if we got accepted. I guess we could call, but I am pretty sure you are right about waiting.. ? Doesn't make the process any easier, hah. Maybe we will see today if ...
  17. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Oh awesome! I am moving TO Grass Valley (May 1) from Foresthill. So a little closer to campus, LOL...
  18. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    @Kel You never know... The way they talk, it looks promising for a lot of us!! You are probably #9 because I started at #5, now I am #3, but don't quote me on that ? What other ADN programs would you apply to now? Yuba was actually my only choice pr...
  19. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Yes for sure! ? That sounds awesome!! I feel that way too! YOU for sure!! hehe ? ... I am about 40 minutes away from campus (really not a bad drive) what about you?
  20. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    @KarinRaz7 hehe I saw your name in the email! That's awesome! I am 3rd ? I am shocked you didn't get in last semester.. you were Sooooo close!! She said it will just be paperwork- that is all. I am anxious to meet everyone. and yes.. she is giving me...
  21. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    I heard that too!! Are you up at the top? ? she says we have a great chance of getting in ... we have so much time between now and August, anything is possible ♥️
  22. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    Hi @Kel You probably received a 64.5 or a 65... you can ask- she has that information ? thank you for letting us know!! I may call because I have some questions as I’m sitting here all nervous.. LOL. Let us know if you hear anything else! Thanks so m...
  23. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    @nulla crux @KarinRaz7 Any new news on anything yet? I know we wait until the 17th, but just curious if anyone has been in contact! Thinking of you guys!! ??
  24. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    oh awesome! yes lets hope ? no, she just said that the times were adjusted to everyone's time of when they first tried to open the application- based on what the system showed, and she added that there were 65 of us. I assume she means 65 of us that ...
  25. RN in Progress

    Yuba City College ADN

    I get it now ? LOL... well awesome!! yes, I hope that we both do!! It should be by the first attempt- or around that. She said there were like 65 of us! You can always call and ask my friend. They are always so helpful!! talk soon! XO