
koltira LPN

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About koltira

koltira has 6 years experience as a LPN.

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  1. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Thanks so much for letting me know! No idea what position I am on the list but USF is my #1 choice. Are you a USF prenursing student?
  2. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Overall, it's gonna be about 14,000 total for USF. However, I live about an hour from Tampa and I'm not sure how commuting is going to work so I might end up moving up there - could be an extra 6,000 dollars. Also, as long as you get in to the inter...
  3. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    I'm originally from SCF and took my prereqs there, awaiting a decision but I was missing a letter from my employer so I'm pretty sure they're going to deny me. My biggest concern with USF is that I won't be able to afford it, I get Pell Grant which c...
  4. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    We all applied for the regular program first time bachelor's degree I believe. Or at least I did LOL. It's based on GPA and interview for the regular program, I would imagine the ABSN is the same. I think you can find past threads on the ABSN on this...
  5. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Have you applied to other schools? I applied to SPC as my backup, I know that application is still open as well as UNF's. ? There are many pathways to becoming a nurse.
  6. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    I'm on the alternate list ?
  7. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Me either girl. Was wondering if it goes by when you did the interview. I was one of the last ones yesterday, so maybe those that had interviews later will hear back later too?
  8. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Congratulations! You earned it ?
  9. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    I hope everyone here gets in! Also does anyone know if they will notify us via USF email or soar?
  10. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    I heard Friday. Not sure if this one or next week. On another note, anyone else feel like they bombed it? The questions weren't incredibly challenging but I was incredibly nervous and I'm sure it showed.
  11. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Hey everyone, how are you guys preparing for your interviews?
  12. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    I got an interview too! I scheduled for the 26th with the first interview panel (does anyone know what that means?). While I'm nervous about the virtual interview, it is actually easier for me as I live about 4-5 hours away!
  13. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Looks like everything might be a lil delayed. I kind of had a feeling as they're switching to remote instruction pretty soon due to the virus scare. It does say 1-2 weeks after application closes, so hopefully we we still hear back soon!
  14. Fall 2020 USF BSN Program

    Hi guys! I'm excited to hear back soon. I'm a little worried as I am a community college transfer student, but I have a 3.9 overall and 4.0 in prereqs (Chemistry was my B... Should've never took it ?). I'm hoping for the best though. As an LPN it has...