

1 yr step down unit, 2 yrs mother/baby

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About Chazd18RN

Chazd18RN specializes in 1 yr step down unit, 2 yrs mother/baby.

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  1. need to interview a home health nurse please

    Thank you very much lovetocare0907! I really appreciate it :)
  2. Hello, I am taking a BSN course in home health nursing, but I have not taken the clinical portion yet. I do not personally know any home health nurses, and was wondering if any home health nurses on this board would like to answer these interview que...
  3. TCB's

    We do TCB's every morning and upon discharge. We only draw TSB's (total serum bili level) if the TCB result falls in the high intermediate risk zone or the high risk zone of the bili chart that we have. We have not been instructed to check TCB's in d...
  4. I agree with the previous poster, many hospitals do not have a traditional well baby newborn nursery anymore. At our hospital the NICU nurses "transition" the babies (or the labor and devlivery nurses do it if a NICU nurse is not available if we are ...
  5. HELP!!!! All the nursing nurses...

    It is a challenge to make time to pump at work but it can be done with good time management and determination. I pumped with my first child while working 12 hr day shifts on a very, very busy step down unit. Most days I pumped 3 times per shift but s...
  6. Questions to ask at a job interview

    I wouldn't ask about salary at an interview. Most hospitals will give that info out if you just speak to someone in human resources or a nurse recruiter (that has been my experience with several hospitals). The other questions that you want to ask se...
  7. No daycare, need to work nights, is this doable?

    Thanks everyone for all of the honest advice. You are all right, I would be miserable if I went this route. I will talk to my husband and we will need to brainstorm some more ideas. One of the posters suggested working weekends only and that sounds l...
  8. I have been an RN for 2 1/2 years and I work on a mother/baby floor. I used to work 12 hr day shifts 3days/week. When I switched hospitals a year ago I had to take a 8 hr PM shift (1500-2330). I didnt like this shift at first but now I am used to it....
  9. Hello, I just graduated from that program a year ago. The program is very good and it has a great reputation. Alot of the instructors are very strict though. You really have to stay on your toes at the school in order to do a good job. There are a lo...
  10. LA hospitals

    I am a new grad at UCLA. When I started back in July the pay was $28/hr with no time and a half. The night differential is $4 and the weekend differential is $2.50. The new grad program is good, but I dont really have anything to compare it to. It is...