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All Content by Guest1142305

  1. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    I get what you’re saying, and I agree with your perspective that certain qualities are absolutely necessary for nursing in general; though I think there are some subsets in which my deficiencies won’t be a hindrance. My intention is to either work ne...
  2. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    I wouldn’t issue people condoms with holes or that had a high rate of breakage failure in them and tell them it was better than nothing. That’s my problem with cloth masks. I agree the DPA should have been used. Do it right or don’t do it at all....
  3. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    I don’t mean to sound cold, but my personal opinion is that weighed in the balance a million or two of lives is a small price to pay to not destroy the economic future of a generation. The suffering is meaningless to me. To be honest with you, living...
  4. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    I was attempting to simplify the representation I was taught in Prescott’s Microbiology and Pathophysiology by Porth.
  5. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    That’s not what convalescent studies of SARS-Covid and Covid-19 recovered patients indicates. T-cell immunity was an important aspect of past vaccinations and is a field being explored for future vaccinations. This is a very interesting read: https:/...
  6. How Does This End?

    I’m not a professional yet. I’m just very well read.
  7. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    Herd immunity remains to be seen. I am hopeful for a vaccine based on the most recent results; a robust immune response with beta and theta cells present after the booster. Very good indeed. I have no problem wearing a mask during clinicals. Just par...
  8. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    HIV infects helper T cells preventing them from becoming memory T cells, effectively hijacking and destroying the theta cell aspect of our immune systems. That’s why you eventually die of another illness. Immunocompromised people can self isolate and...
  9. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    It is one of the lowest forms of societal interaction to denigrate others with whom you have opposing opinions. If a young person wants to intentionally catch the virus, develop T cell mediated immunity, and go about their life, who are we to judge? ...
  10. How Does This End?

    There is none blinder than the one who refuses to see.
  11. How Does This End?

    How I loathe purposeful insipidity.
  12. How Does This End?

    ^^^^ This. So true. I wish I could go back and un-catch it. Recovered in March/April, still not feeling right. Still having trouble breathing. Still, I don’t think anyone should have the right to force mask wearing upon others. But curbside pickup ...
  13. How Does This End?

    Follow the money: Employee and CEO donation patterns tell the story by themselves. Check the numbers on facebook and Google.
  14. How Does This End?

    So if I were a political party, all I would have to do to control free speech is make sure all the platforms were owned by people affiliated with my party and ingratiate myself with them... oh wait.
  15. How Does This End?

    “Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas?” ― Joseph Stalin just saying, stifling ideas whether good or bad doesn’t have a very good historical precedent.
  16. How Does This End?

    Freedom of speech must remain an absolute. Educating our masses during K-12 to the point that they can differentiate misinformation from sound advice should be the solution; hence why the founders were great advocates of education for all. Sadly our ...
  17. How Does This End?

    You advocated stifling the voices of dissenters via facebook, etc. it’s a slippery slope. No drugs needed to see the connection between the lines of thought.
  18. How Does This End?

    .... sounds to me like you, @TheDudeWithTheBigDog, would believe in re-education camps. It’s a slippery slope from what you are professing to the treatment people receive in other countries when they don’t "think correctly". You are professing tyrann...
  19. Because coronavirus doesn’t transmit when you’re tightly packed together, marching, physically exerting, yelling, chanting, etc.... riiiight.
  20. I don’t think there is really much of anything the government could have done to stop mass rioting, protests, and group disobedience at beaches, etc. There are way more people giving a collective "$#%& it" than there are law enforcement officers ...
  21. How Does This End?

    My guess is a bunch of old rich politicians sat around a table, crunched the numbers, and decided the deaths were outweighed by the economic value of the young continuing to work, and they knew that they personally could isolate until it all blew ove...
  22. Study: Immunity To Coronavirus May Fade Away Within Weeks This may bode well.
  23. COVID Partiers Play Dangerous Game

    I found the "party ‘til you drop" deeply amusing.
  24. How Does This End?

    Oh my, I can’t see how. Subjectively differentiated perhaps, but you don’t display any gross disconnection from reality. Differences make us stronger. It reminds us we are not all just clones of one another, busy little drone bees. Each persons uniqu...
  25. How Does This End?

    Who has said anything crazy?