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All Content by Guest1142305

  1. Alverno DEMSN 2021

    They may have cut me some slack on using Coopersmith for that class because of my undergrad and grad performance (4.0, 3.83). ‘We *Just* started, and so far I am very encouraged.
  2. Alverno DEMSN 2021

    Alverno will accept Coopersmith as well for abnormal psych FYI. $150 plus the book. It’s a one shot proficiency test; all or nothing. Like a CLEP. Not an easy test, but I did well on it after reviewing their crash course video 2x and reading the assi...
  3. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    I am going to post here as I go to keep myself motivated. I found a school nearby that takes straighterline, portage, etc. for prerequisites and I can save a good amount of money going through de-MSN program. Done: (Statistics) Straighterline Busines...
  4. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    I hear you. We just had our 4th in July. Between that and my lingering recovery from Covid this has been a really hard journey.
  5. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    You’ll be fine. There’s a real shortage of students willing to study in the Covid era.
  6. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    Looking back I really underestimated what a mountain of information accelerated programs require you to learn before starting. It’s quite a mountain to climb. Easily 6000+ pages of hard sciences in reading, hundreds of exams, and at least a good 40 h...
  7. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    Done, done, done, done, DONE!!!
  8. Alverno DEMSN 2021

    I have had no contact with alumni, but as with any nursing school I think online reviews are a mixed bag. I’m looking forward to starting in January.
  9. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    Took a long break; health issues and moving. Finished Abnromal Psych and Developmental Psych with Coopersmith 2 weeks ago. Fun courses, challenging finals. Just completed Straighterline A&P 1&2 labs. Awaiting grading, but should pass no ...
  10. Alverno DEMSN 2021

    Unfortunately, I don’t really have that luxury. I’ve almost wrapped up my labs and am set for a January start; though I may push it out to the Summer.
  11. Straighterline Anatomy & Physiology 1

    Somewhere, I think in this thread or in my prerequisite progress thread, I posted a pretty verbose description of my experience with the final. It’s not that bad.
  12. Straighterline Anatomy & Physiology 1

    I found it easier than the tests up to that point. Proctor just asks to see the room, know where your cell phone is, etc. pretty simple process. Give yourself 15 minutes before your scheduled time to work out tech issues. I’ve never had a final start...
  13. BSN vs. MSN-Weighing my options.

    Alverno demsn awards a BSN.
  14. PTSD and Me?

    Just my 2 cents here, but meridians, chakras, acupuncture, etc. in general are clinically disproven pseudoscience. The only reason techniques like this or grounding work is because tactile sensation takes predominance over more evolved thought proces...
  15. Gender discrimination in pay

    At the end of the day a hospital is not your friend, it is a business. What you allow is what will continue. If you let them hire you at less, that’s what they will do. They are in the business of making money.
  16. Prerequisite(s) progress thread

    Finished abnormal psych reading, developmental psych reading pending. Lab kits finally fully arrived. May begin finishing this month. I had hoped to get into the September cohort, but with the waiting list and limited time January is looking more ...
  17. How bad will it get in the fall/Winter time?

    This is past the point of containment in most of the country.
  18. Yeah, neither I nor my wife have a steady enough knife hand for that. ? Ceserean x 4. Transient tachypenia is also really hard to treat in the woods with no oxygen or cpap. WOW!! this is a dumbfounding movement.
  19. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    No worries. I’m nearly impossible to offend; I can be easily confounded though. Everything goes through a prism of intellectual curiosity for me. I desperately hope I can get better at social interaction though. I despise having a weak spot.
  20. There are three branches of our government, and the current President is only in charge of one of them. To try to act like one man can actually micromanage aspects of response over such a large scale is disingenuous. Presidents are basically figurehe...
  21. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    Thank you for being so understanding. I worry about the student cohort / co-worker aspect more than anything else. If I can just get through that, I will leverage my ability to consume massive amounts of information to shoot straight for NP and ha...
  22. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    Women’s prison and men’s prison are very different. Also, the level of manipulation practiced by incarcerated individuals is astounding. Objectivity is far more important with them than empathy. Also, just because I don’t feel the emotion, doesn’t me...
  23. Based on those numbers it’s a 1.2% hospitalization rate and a 0.02% death rate for positive children. If those numbers hold, that would be a lot of hospitalizations and somewhere around 1000 deaths for the 4.3 million or so 0-18 year olds in Florida....
  24. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    Greed saves lives. J/k haha
  25. Coronavirus Second Wave?

    Found this today. Encouraging read: