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  1. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Just got an email- I'm an alternate! I think rejections also went out. A friend just got one.
  2. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    @HelloCCRN I am sooo proud of you for planning on reapplying! This is year 2 for me and I'll be applying with you next year too! Are you applying elsewhere or just to SMU until you get in? Did they say why you didn't get an interview? Again- I...
  3. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Shoot! Seems like it might have all gone out at the same time then- 1704. Hopefully, the rest of us will hear either way soon.
  4. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Congratulations @MICUbunny!! Hope you're celebrating! What was the time stamp on the @MICUbunny and @nata1230
  5. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Congratulations @nata1230!! I'm sure there was a ton of hard work that went into your app! Enjoy celebrating your wonderful achievement!
  6. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Phew! I got nervous that y'all got some info. My heart just skipped a beat.
  7. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Hopefully, you'll get in and be riding that excitement all shift!
  8. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Same! I'm stress cleaning my house. Can't remember the last time I dusted every cabinet I own.
  9. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I asked someone who got accepted last year and someone who got accepted in 2018. They got emails and the alumni who got in in 2018 said the email came at about 4pm.
  10. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Has anyone else checked their email at least 400 times this morning? ??? Any ideas on when they'll send out the emails?
  11. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Same, friend! But mine was Kevin who had his head down... and my Zoom was mostly frozen on his screen. I think they were just trying to take notes. One of my mentors, who use to do these interviews, said they have all our info pulled up during it. Sh...
  12. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Hi! It's been a nice community as we go through this process. I'm sure this is the most stressful weekend, so it'll be good to have fellow SMU hopefuls! I know I'm looking forward to having people on Monday/ Tuesday when decisions come out! They...
  13. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    That's what I thought... but 15 seems like a lot! So there's a 65% chance we all get something.
  14. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Haha I guessed your mind was going there because mine would too. Does anyone know how many people they waitlist? I kind of recall hearing 15... but that seems like a lot.
  15. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Same- hopefully Monday, but possibly Tuesday. Let's hope it's Monday!!
  16. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I'm not 100% sure, but you take less classes the first year I know. When I applied the last year there was an option to say you were interested in doing it as a 3-year. I don't recall it being on the app this year. Do y'all?
  17. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Does this mean that there are less than 27 spots, since there are students from last year's 3-year track joining us? Are they doing the 3-year this year even though they switch to the DNAP next year?
  18. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Same! I've only applied here for the past two years. I'll reapply this year if I need to. Glad I'm one step closer than last with the interview.
  19. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Yesss! I'll post too, as soon as I hear either way. Monday is going to be a VERY long day! @MICUbunny is SMU your top school?
  20. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I'm glad it came back on quickly and didn't throw you off! That probably shows you're adaptable and work well under pressure! I think it went well. Fingers crossed we all become the class of 2023!
  21. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    Yeahhh! Glad you can relax now! How do you feel it went?
  22. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    @Bsn_sugar I think you should apply! The worst they can say is no and then you reapply knowing where to focus. Your cumulative is higher than mine and I was offered an interview. They look at everything- years of experience, and acuity of ICU, ...
  23. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    I think if you bring something clinical up they might ask you about it. Like vent modes or what your typical pt is. Like if you mention your pt's have bolts it may be a good idea to know how they work. Hopefully, that makes sense. I had my retina tac...
  24. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    @ICUtraumanurse I'd say they were pretty standard questions. I want to say there were 8+ people. But I honestly forget because they only pop up one at a time. LOL
  25. Samuel Merritt CRNA 2021

    How did you feel it went? How did you feel it went?