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All Content by Bsncloud2021

  1. APU 2+2 Fall 2020

    Hello! I am starting a thread for the APU 2+2 BSN program Spring 2021 admissions. I am applying at the end of the month. So exciting. This is my top choice. Anyone have any insight to the program? Thanks
  2. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    I just got a denial email. Good luck to everyone!
  3. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Nothing yet ??
  4. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    This is so nerve wrecking?
  5. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Is it 30 spots?
  6. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

  7. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Oh good at least you heard something. I haven’t heard anything since I submitted. Anyone have any idea how many applications they received or they average? This waiting is so nerve wrecking.
  8. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Has anyone heard any news yet?
  9. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Oh no ?
  10. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Nothing yet☹️
  11. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Oh darn! I was hoping to hear something in May ? the waiting around is so difficult and hard to plan ahead.
  12. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Nothing yet
  13. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Hoping we hear something soon ??
  14. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Thanks for the update!
  15. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Thanks for responding. The covid19 situation will probably delay things longer ?
  16. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Has anyone heard anything?
  17. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    Great thank you for the information! I completed my undergrad at csuf. Good luck to us all. I wonder how many applications they average?
  18. CSUN FALL 2020 ABSN

    I applied also. Good luck to everyone. The deadline that closed a few days ago, is that for acceptance into Fall 2020? Or Spring 2021? Also anyone know by when we would be notified of acceptance? Thanks Also how many students do they accept?