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All Content by ThatLady

  1. I'm DONE! YAY!

    amazing! congrats!
  2. Job Interview

    Deep breath. You can do hard things. Be yourself and be honest. Most places are gonna appreciate your candidness and if they don't accept that- then it is their loss. HUGS!
  3. Recovery Trek Question/Board Order

    I agree with 90210! Sounds like its just "end of sentence-let's milk this out" kind of testing. You are so close! Good luck!
  4. Ipn help!

    wishing you all the best.... take care of you right now
  5. How long does this take ?!?!? Please help!

    Congrats on the good news with HPRP! Fingers crossed the Board feels the same way!
  6. Letter of completion?

    what a roller coaster! I'm sorry.... head up, you got this!
  7. My voluntary alcohol detox was reported to the board..?

    Sending you big big big hugs! Get that attorney ASAP and keep rocking. You got this!
  8. Terminated while on probation. Scared!

    Im so sorry! I have no experience in your state but wish you the best. Hopefully your new job will be a better environment for you!
  9. DUI in 1988 and 2003

    Precisely what Forever said! Get your attorney and keep your head up! ((Hugs))
  10. Drinking at work? Anyone with prior experience?

    Thinking about you and hoping you are doing well. I know this is a very anxious time.
  11. Ohio BON Final Review

    No Clue on how long it could take... Good luck Buckeye! They certainly could force you into a monitoring contract but I am so happy you got an attorney to help you navigate it! Fingers crossed you get through without anything extra!
  12. Monitoring (voluntary) vs. probation

    absolutely. positively. get. an. attorney. You can reallllly mess up your future if you get tied into this.. BUT, if you have a problem then it does help keep you sober. Don't speak or sign until you talk to an attorney! Best of luck!
  13. Dual Intake Evalution

    Best of luck to you! keep us updated
  14. Need Help

    Sending you big hugs- you need to get treatment- say NOTHING about being a nurse- keep your mouth shut about your profession in treatment - and if you can take leave from work - don't be specific about why you are out- get a lawyer when you have to r...
  15. Just got out of!

    I would not say anything about your rehab if they don't know and nobody reported anything. Less is better... Do they know why you were out of work?
  16. How did I get here?!

    Thinking about ya- hope your intake went well and you are moving forward in your recovery!
  17. Hand Sanitizer

    that is what I've heard... it would take a lot.
  18. Help

    wishing you the best... lawyer up if you can... seems like BS
  19. Increased testing

    Amen! Glad your end is in sight! (((Hugs)))