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All Content by ThatLady

  1. Reinstate license attempt after revoke

    I am in a different state but just want to say good work on your sobriety! Wishing you all the best- you can do it!
  2. To Anyone Who Will Listen

    I am so sorry that you have gone through this. What a nightmare. Wishing you all the best.
  3. Hprp first test

    First- chin up. You are not the sum of your mistakes. It feels REALLY dark right now. I remember it. It WILL get better. I promise. In the meantime- keep doing the next right thing. I do not know where you are located and what your inital eval will...
  4. Anyone ever go into rehab voluntarily? How do you navigate BON/Work?

    #1- take care of YOU. I would strongly advise against telling ANYONE in rehab that you are a nurse. They can and often will report you. But- that is all secondary to you getting help and taking care of yourself. You can deal with any of that ...
  5. Glad to be here with you guys!

    This board has provided me great info and great hope during some dark times. Wishing you all the best and congrats on your first 17 months- the days are long sometimes but keep your head up!
  6. Scared

    Beachy is correct. A good attorney can make ALL the difference in how you get treated; the board does not care about you. First and foremost take care of YOU. Get the help you may need. Talk to NOBODY; no co workers; you cannot trust anybody but you...
  7. Peth after 20 days

    I would suspect that it would be negative BUT the only way that you can make sure is complete abstinence; I know it absolutely stinks. Especially if alcohol was not your problem- however- the worry that comes from having an occasional drink was not w...
  8. this was the standard procedure outlined for my observed screens; most collectors were kind and just watched me pee, not make me do the shimmy shake and touch your toes BS.
  9. Quit RAMP, board action, now what?

    I am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know anything about Texas or RAMP but I'd talk to a licensing attorney in your current state and see what they suggest. (((hugs)))
  10. What states monitor these forums?

    gotta assume they all are, unfortunately
  11. Job search after revocation or surrender

    First of all, congrats on getting sober and staying that way in the last four months!; every addict on here has done things they are ashamed of- keep working your program and try not to let guilt and shame overwhelm you. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Keep...
  12. Hold on to hope

    I recently finished a five year "contract"; I just want to give you all a bit of encouragement. You can rise above. You can do this. I understand the guilt, anger, shame, bitterness... just keep doing the next right thing. Lady
  13. Hold on to hope

    universe- those first days can feel lonely and dark... you are not alone! (((HUGS)))
  14. DWI Texas

    Not in Texas but I always recommend getting an attorney- a nursing attorney! They can make all the difference in what happens. Best of luck and big hugs! Lady
  15. Alcohol and big trouble:(

    amazing! keep up the good work! You got this!
  16. hey girl! I did not have federal charges but I did have state felony charges and ended up with probation - just listen to your lawyer. I know how scared you are. Just keep doing the next right thing and I suspect you will be OK. Sending lots of hugs...
  17. Alcohol and big trouble:(

    Wishing you allll the best! Keep up the good work.
  18. Positive PETH at evaluation...

    I have done a lot of reading on PETH - a lot of it depends on if the sample was taken properly! They can really mess it up if they don't know what they are doing- that being said. Boards are SUPPOSED to take into account ALL the data- like your hair ...
  19. Drop your monthly testing average here please.

    hey Rue! Not sure where you are but I average 2/month; some months could be 1 and others 3- no rhyme or reason to it! ((Hugs))
  20. I missed a check in, in Ohio. Help!

    not sure about your state but in mine we have so many "freebies" for missed check in- I think it is like 3 a year... call your case manager and let them know! ((Hugs))
  21. Alcohol and big trouble:(

    hey! first of all - big hugs. It is so easy to get down in the shame of it all. You are not defined by your mistakes. Repeat. You are NOT defined by your mistakes. I am in your state as well- I would advise to get a nursing lawyer ASAP and do not t...
  22. I Quit Today

    It is so demoralizing. Im glad you feel free and at peace! I wish you nothing but the best going forward!!
  23. Nervous about license renewal

    I spilled my guts and ended up with a 5 year contract. Should have had an attorney speak with them as proxy and negotiated something better- not saying I did not deserve a contract- but 5 years has been a LONG time.
  24. Board Order: Sabotaged by doctor

    Any chance you could find your original doctor (regardless if he is out of state,or wherever) and establish at his new clinic for just the amount of time you need to get through??? Sorry you are in such a sucky place right now.
  25. Nervous about license renewal

    I am just so glad you have a competent attorney. I did not... and wish I had. You got this however it goes! (((Hugs)))