Brittany Howard

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All Content by Brittany Howard

  1. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I'm still checking emails every hour of the day ..its so frustrating! Has anyone heard anything from them though? Courtesy email? Missing documents? Anything?
  2. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I read a forum on here that said they sent them out together last year; false denials were sent mistakenly as well.
  3. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    They do this evey year I hear.??‍♀️
  4. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I've heard this as well! lOl
  5. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    That is true!
  6. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Sleepless nights until March!??‍♀️
  7. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Sorry for accidentally posting twice, but that facebook update made me extra nervous. lOl
  8. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Soooooo, has anyone's anxiousness lead them to calling the school to see when we'd hear something back?? ? lOl
  9. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Did you find it??
  10. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I wouldn't allow me to. I tried adding one of the other ladies as well. Try putting it in your search engine or it may help if you type in the person's name who created the page .."————" .
  11. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Girl I am dying over here! lOl
  12. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I tried Hannah, I'm unable to. Type in "Charity School of Nursing Applicants" in your search engine.
  13. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    It's just a group for applicants to share info., updates; answer each other's questions etc., but it's not letting me share the link because the group is private. I will try adding you guys.
  14. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020 It's just a group for applicants to share info., updates; answer each other's questions etc.
  15. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Charity School of Nursing 2020 applicants page on facebook.
  16. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I am now hearing mid April??‍♀️ lOl I guess the answer is, we won't know until we know!
  17. Brittany Howard

    Charity School Of Nursing Fall 2020

    I applied. Kaplan score 70 ..Profile score 60 .. No Ds or Fs, 1C, 3.2 Gpa. ??‍♀️ I'm nervous because that profile score is on the lower end, but I'm praying and my fingers are crossed. What was your Kaplan and Profile Score?
  18. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    I've been doing the same thing; I'm stressing myself out! lOl
  19. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    That's pretty good! But if you really wanna know if you did it correctly, take all your things to ————- and let her do it for you. Thats what I did to kill the curiosity. I would like to know if anyone has a clue when we should hear back as well? I k...
  20. Brittany Howard

    Charity School of Nursing Fall 2020

    Hi ladies! I just took the Kaplan on yesterday, scored a 70, submitted everything lastnight around 12A, and recv'd a "thank you for you documents." email this morning??‍♀️. I am very nervous! My profile score is a 60 as well, 3.2 GPA, and ———— made m...