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About emilyyyy

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  1. Houston Nurse Residency Fall 2021

    Oh ya I didn't apply for peds! I interviewed for the leukemia unit. Mine went well, I actually ended up getting the job. I bet you did great good luck!!
  2. Memorial Hermann Nurse Residency Program Fall 2021 Start Date

    I got an interview message yesterday at like 10 pm so I think there just behind tbh
  3. Memorial Hermann Nurse Residency Program Fall 2021 Start Date

    So is there a possibility of getting selected for both units that you picked or no?
  4. Memorial Hermann Nurse Residency Program Fall 2021 Start Date

    has anyone heard back from the TMC tranplant floor or med surg oncology southeast? Thanks guys and good luck!
  5. UTMB Fall 2021

    HI! dual credit goes towards your GPA so make sure to keep that in mind!
  6. UTMB Fall 2020

  7. UTMB Fall 2020

    they will have all of the applications sent out before the day of admissions but if you get waitlisted you can be taken off up until the day of orientation
  8. UTMB Fall 2020

    you can take it as much as you need, but they can see every time you take it so if you take it again I would recommend making sure you are 100% ready to do well.
  9. UTMB Fall 2020

    I was also accepted to UTMB and UT health.. though I do not know much about A&M's program I do know that I decided to go to UTMB for multiple reasons. For one UT health is up in the med center which I know is a plus for many people, but for me wh...
  10. UTMB Fall 2020

    they take about 2-3 months too hear back from them so we have to patient?
  11. UTMB Summer 2020

    does anyone know if intro chemistry works as a chemistry credit
  12. UTMB Fall 2020

    hey guys i was wondering if intro chem works as a chemistry class? thank yall