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  1. AVC RN program for spring 2020

    Thank you so much, this is so helpful. You are right about the website not providing much info and the difficulty of reaching anyone for details. Thanks!!
  2. AVC RN program for spring 2020

    Thank you so much for your response, I actually haven't been admitted, I wish! ? I will be applying for Fall. Would you be willing to please share more details on the sites? and if there is a waiting list for this program? I have not been able to re...
  3. AVC RN program for spring 2020

    Hi! Does anyone know what the schedule is like and where the clinicals are held for the nursing program? Any information would be so helpful! Thank you ?
  4. Hi! Where are the clinicals usually at? How are you liking the program? Thanks!
  5. AVC Nursing program Fall 2018

    Hi! Is there a long waiting list for this program? What’s the schedule like? And where are the clinicals at? Thank you in advance for any information!