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  1. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I’m so over this -.- we are suppose to know in October not November.
  2. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    No I did not. I did get something last week but everyone did even the ones who got accepted
  3. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    It’s been 5-7 days from the time they said we would get the news right? Or did they mean 5-7 business days -.-
  4. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Sac? Or San Mateo
  5. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I think San Mateo is later because Sacramento did no get affected with covid stuff.
  6. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Ahhhh got it. LOL mini heart attack there
  7. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I was under the impression that we do not have to take the HESI anymore and TEAS was not an option..
  8. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Well this went from 0-100 real quick.... ANYWHO.. same time tomorrow fam ? ??
  9. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Thanks! That link did work.
  10. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    I did both, my regular long in for nursingcas and also my email just to be sure, and it did not work. I used the link and clicked on the mysmulogin. I don’t see the sign up option
  11. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    didn't work, it’s cool. I’ll wait LOL
  12. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Thank you!!
  13. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Possible for you to share the link on the portal :), thank you in advance!! ❤️❤️
  14. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    How do you get access to that? I thought we don’t have access until accepted?
  15. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    IDK but keep us posted ?
  16. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Well that was a great intense week of anxiously waiting ??, same time next week Fam? ???
  17. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Who wants to be a brave future nurse and send an email asking LOL. I've annoyed them enough this year ?
  18. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Yes it did get merged so the pool is bigger but still 48 students only
  19. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    Does anyone know when will we be notified?
  20. Samuel Merritt University ABSN Spring 2021

    They got that many applicants because the cohort for November 2020 was cancelled due to covid and are being pushed to Spring 2021 -_-, great times.
  21. Doane University credit transfer

    Did you take the class? And was it accepted? Debating on taking the Microbiology Was it accepted?
  22. UCSF MEPN 2020

    Thank you ?
  23. UCSF MEPN 2020

    I did, even checked my junk mail just to be sure aha, anxiously waiting.
  24. UCSF MEPN 2020

    Im with you on this. I’ve called twice to speak to SJ and feel so shy and embarrassed don’t want to be a pest. So I am planning to wait. I am really hoping it’s a strong yes lol
  25. UCSF MEPN 2020

    I did not get an acceptance or a denial. Feeling a little weird right now. Wondering if this happen to anyone?