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About goodtoknowman

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  1. NYU ABSN Spring 2020

    I was accepted with a 3.07 GPA. I am also an NYU alumnus, but I'm not sure if that holds much weight in the admission decision.
  2. Molloy Accelerated Program spring 2020

    Hi, I was accepted with a 3.04 GPA but I withdrew my offer because I have chosen to attend a different school. I'm not sure what the exact GPA requirement is, but I've heard it might be a 3.3, which I guess is false if I was able to get in.
  3. NYU ABSN Spring 2020

    It's a private school, so the tuition is the same for both. With that said, if you're in-state, you may be eligible for more financial aid from NYS.
  4. Molloy Accelerated Program spring 2020

    Got my acceptance letter in the mail today for the dual degree program. I took the math screening test towards the end of November. I have a 3.07 GPA and a 98th percentile TEAS score. Looking forward to interviewing with the financial aid office!
  5. NYU ABSN Spring 2020

    Hi! I got accepted today with a 3.1 cumulative GPA (not quite sure what my prerequisite GPA is, but it's likely just barely above my cGPA). I have about a year's worth of volunteer healthcare experience and I like to think my essay was strong (you ca...