

Critical Care, ICU, Rehab

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About TheLastUnicorn

TheLastUnicorn has 8 years experience and specializes in Critical Care, ICU, Rehab.

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  1. RN vs. EMT

    This would happen anytime I called EMS for a patient when I worked LTC/SAR. The EMT would even try to pursuade the patient that they didn't need to go to the ER. I finally got so fed up I just started calling the EMS company or hospital / whatever se...
  2. Storage of N95 masks

    Plastic container method, just to make it easier to put on and take off while keeping it... I dunno "in place" and not just flipping around a bag. No lid, place container in paper bag. I suppose it's just an illusion if trying to preserve the "clean"...
  3. How to establish a rhythm during med pass...

    I'm guessing you are in LTC or SAR? How many patients on the pass? Honestly, if you're the floater, it will take a while to get a rhythm and it will vary depending on the unit / cart you're assigned. If it's a heavy patient load, it's gonna take as l...
  4. Unemployment/ PRN nurses

    Just apply. At worst they tell you that you don't qualify. There's nothing really to lose unless you dont.
  5. How do you juggle nursing and family ?

    I wouldn't call someone threatening not to help you as support. That's the opposite of support. Where is your family? Where is your real support? I'd move to wherever that is. As for hours, the most flexible is ER, or pool. Or take an office job. Wh...
  6. Non accredited ADN, accredited BSN

    At this point with a BSN I don't think anyone cares about your ADN. I wouldn't even mention it. You're an RN with a BSN. That's all employers care about and all that matters.
  7. Boyfriend wants me to stay away

    The first thing I did when I was exposed to COVID at the hospital was call my husband and consult on whether I should come home, or stay away from the house by getting a hotel room for the foreseeable future. Coming home means I would knowingly expos...
  8. Cannabis nurse certification?

    You don't have to "take" the medication yourself to test for it. You can absorb it through your skin, and can breathe it in second hand. There's a reason for the whole USP 800. As nurses we are exposed to drugs, those drugs affect us. So yes.. You wo...
  9. Opinions on how soon to float new nurses

    There's a difference in being floated, and being oriented to floating. I was oriented the months before I was even floated. Before I was even eligible to be floated. Didn't remember a damned thing by the time my turn came around. No one cared. The nu...
  10. Admin/Clerical Staff in Scrubs, Observing Procedures

    Have you discussed used these issues with your boss? Going above their head without taking to him/her first seems a bit extreme. Maybe the woman had permission to wear scrubs. Maybe she is working on a project or is in school and that's why she's sha...
  11. You may also want to inform him that chart checking another nurse is not his job and counts as a HIPAA violation. Assuming, he has no business being in that patient's chart. As the other's said. I do hope you have been formally keeping record of all...
  12. How does your hospital "track" patient baths?

    This has literally never been a concern or issue that I've even thought of. The last thing I am worried about any of my patient's is when their last bath was. It's never a question I've asked or have been asked outside of LTC/SAR. I dont think we tra...
  13. Oh yes, the huge grey area that is HIPAA; can't forget that. Certainly accessing charts when you're not clocked in, despite having an expectation of care for the patient, can very easily be considered a HIPAA violation. The expectation of care is th...
  14. Terrible experience with nursing staff

    The issue with "fills" going to the wayside is essentially a non-issue. These "frills"; nurses fetching water, fluffing pillows, giving back rubs, or assisting the patient to the bathroom when family is right there; won't disappear because our health...
  15. Arrested..need advice

    I'm sorry, this will be harsh. You can blame whatever and whomever you want to, but the first step to any recovery is accepting the consequences of your own actions. You are the only person responsible for the choices you made. Not your friends, not ...