What a night. I also am a night nurse on a floor that feels out of control more that it feels in control. What caught my attention is the patient who was found unresponsive after his dose of dilaudid....
Congradulations! I did the exact same thing as a new grad. I agreed to a two year contract on a med/surg floor with 14 telemetry beds. I am not discouraging you but I would like to be honest. I speak...
Practice Practice Practice! Search out all IV starts and try. Rely on feel, not look. With hard sticks some of their best veins are not visable to the eye, yet are like pipelines. The best veins are...
I have been working as an RN for about two years now on a busy med/surg floor and tele. I have not forgotten the feelings that all new grads feel, yet few are willing to admit. This site is amazing...
During report listen closely. See your most critical patients first. If time allows do a full assessment- if not focus on the admitting diagnosis.Ex- CHF, listen to lungs observe signs of edema, check...
Thank you Lisa. I know that there are a lot of other nurses that will disagree with us but let's keep doing what we are doing. There is very little recognition given to Nurses from upper management....
Breathe! You did not do anything that any other nurse has not done. It was an honest mistake and you took the right steps to right the wrong. As nurses we all have made a med error or two. It sounds...
Honest answers in my opinion. Yes my GPA fell during nursing. It went from a 3.4 to about a 2.8. Nursing is challenging and towards the end I just wanted the degree more than the A. I was burnt. Dont...
I do believe that during a code there has to be a bit of humor @ times to break the staleness in the air. But at the same time I am old school in the way that this person is/was someones father,...
I am a nurse on a med/surg floor and also work tele. Many times I call a doctor in the wee hours of the morning for something as simple as MOM. We all know that there are patients that will not rest...