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About icygirl88

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  1. Gave meds to wrong patient, please help guys

    I understand what you must be going through. You did the right thing by telling and not covering! One thing I read that you wrote was "Im just an LVN" , you are not JUST an LVN. You appearently worked very hard to get where you are and I hate when...
  2. Office Nursing?......

    I am an LPN in a Dr's office and make little over 12.00/hr. Not the greatest, but, it is Mon- Fri 8-5 (great hours) and we get uniform allowance, insurance, and many perks. I wouldn't trade it for anything!
  3. :( Sad - LPN (little pretend nurse comment)

    I agree with Cardio. I am a LPN currently in the RN program, and I definately have an advantage that the "off the street" students don't. I am very glad that I did my LPN first, and somedays I think it was harder,( but I know the worst is yet to co...
  4. Do I have to quit my job to take LPN classes???

    I worked about 30 hours a week through LPN and am now working about 35 though RN. I am also a single mom of one, and I managed. If you can just suck it up for what will end up being a short amount of time in the long run, all your efforts will pay o...
  5. Anyone ever pass out at work....I just did :'(

    I did, and I freaked out our receptionist. I had not been feeling well, and she asked me if I was going to pass out, I said, no, I think I'm going to throw up. About that time I passed out and threw up, hit my right side all the way down a door and...
  6. do any of you work in anything other than ltc as an LPN?

    Hi, I work for an ophthalmolgy practice involving 4 M.D.'s and I love it! I also do prn for the surgery center where they do cataract surgeries so that I get to do something besides eyes once in a while. I too am not a big fan of LTC but that is mo...
  7. Odds of failing NCLEX at 85 ?'s?

    When I took NCLEX mine too shut off at 85. I cried all the way home and was just sick. Guess what? I passed!!!! So don't freak out until you actually see the results!!! It's definately worth the 10 dollars it cost me to see my results online also. ...
  8. DH dying-need prayers

    Said a prayer. Best of luck to you and your family