
Taylor13 CNA

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All Content by Taylor13

  1. Shoreline Fall 2020

    Hopefully they will understand because of our unique circumstances! I emailed the school today and got one of those automated responses saying that the letters will be sent out a week late, so you should know what they are doing about those points so...
  2. I feel horrible

    I don't think you should quit. Everyone makes mistakes or forgets things, and as long as you own up to it and try to be more aware next time then I think you should continue to work as a CNA. Hopefully your employer will allow you to use this as a le...
  3. A&P - Help!

    Both of my A&P classes were listed as Human Anatomy & Physiology on my transcript with no mention of the lab, but I haven't had any troubles with my applications since it is in the syllabus!
  4. I think that my decision will definitely be affected. I applied to thirteen programs in my state even though I was set on one and now I am so glad I did because my top choice decided to go online only for Fall 2020. If any other program accepts me th...
  5. CSU fully online for Fall 2020

    My number one school is also going online for Fall 2020 and I am very disappointed! I have been wanting to go there for awhile now, but I feel like an online education just is not the same. I am just going to look into the other schools that I applie...
  6. Shoreline Fall 2020

    @Joseph Martinez Do you happen to know when letters normally go out? Also, I just looked at their class schedule and it looks like their fall classes are online which is disappointing.
  7. Difference in TEAS and PAX RN?

    Every community college in my state requires us to take Chemistry and general biology plus anatomy & physiology and usually Microbiology as well before applying. Also, the physics portion is probably very light because I have taken both tests and...
  8. TEAS vs PAX-RN

    I only studied for the TEAS test even though I knew I was taking the PAX test a week before my TEAS and I still did really good on my PAX! The information is very similar, so I feel like practicing separately wouldn't be too important. I would say th...
  9. TEAS

    I got 100% on my math portion even though I was so worried about it! It was mostly basic algebra with a few other kinds of questions like conversions. I hadn’t taken an algebra class since I was a freshman in highschool, but I used the ATI TEAS study...
  10. Am I expected to position and ambulate patients by myself?

    I absolutely disagree with the person who thinks that you need to rethink your career choice. It is a physically demanding job, but there are tools you can use to help you. And it absolutely is the nurses responsibility to help you with their patient...
  11. Low GPA help

    That is interesting that you can't retake it since you passed! Are you allowed to take it at a different college? Other than that, there isn't a lot to do. Most points come from GPA, so even with all of the extra points for other things you might not...
  12. Low GPA help

    Are your schools looking at your cumulative GPA or your prerequisite GPA? In my state, the community colleges only care about your grades in your prerequisites. You still need at least a 3.7 here, but they don't care about things like history. I woul...
  13. Am I expected to position and ambulate patients by myself?

    I am also very small and I struggle with moving people by myself! I'd say it depends on where you are working. When I worked in the nursing home I had absolutely no help with moving people since the nurse refused to do anything hands-on. Then I worke...
  14. Cna question

    I think that you should just go for it. When you get a job you will get more hands on training before you are on your own! Plus, when I did my CNA clinicals awhile ago I just remember we were all too scared to do things on our own and clinicals are s...
  15. Should I trust the advisor?

    I am not sure what your GPA is, but if it below a 3.5 I would definitely retake classes! My advisor told me to skip actually getting my first degree even though I had finished all of the requirements so that I would be able to get more financial help...
  16. Excited, but confused!

    That is so exciting that you are ready to start this! There are many important things to look at when choosing a nursing school. You definitely want one that is accredited at the state or national level. I would also look at their NCLEX pass rates an...
  17. I think that if you are truly passionate about nursing you should go for it! It is usually not an easy path, but if you love what you are doing then it is worth it. I would definitely keep in mind how intense a nursing program can be. I am not sure a...
  18. UW BSN or Highline ADN

    My sister attended UW's BSN program and she loved it. She said that she was able to get a lot of one on one time with the professors. I also think it would be nice to be able to go straight for your BSN instead of needing to do a bridge program after...
  19. Feeling very discouraged. Need some help.

    I am not sure where you are from, but many of the colleges in my state give admission points for healthcare experience! Most programs also want to see good grades, so there are also points for that. I do not know of any schools in my state that want ...
  20. TEAS

    I just used the study book from ATI and I did just fine! I hadn't taken A&P2 yet and I still scored in the exemplary range for my math and science and the advanced range for my reading and English. It gives you the concepts and from there I just ...
  21. Walla Walla Community College 2020

    I am also applying to Walla Walla with 39.4 points, but I am hoping to get into Shoreline, Peninsula, or Grays Harbor! When does Walla Walla send out letters? Also, what is the average point cutoff for this school? Are the tiebreakers only used when ...
  22. Shoreline Fall 2020

    Yeah I kind of remember that from the information session! Hopefully we will end up in the same cohort ?
  23. Shoreline Fall 2020

    I wonder what the cut off will be for this quarter! I have 109.1, but I know that Fall usually has the highest cut off so I am still worried.
  24. Shoreline Fall 2020

    The PAX exam does not count for any points, you just need a certain score to apply!
  25. Grays Harbor CC Fall 2020

    Hello! I am currently applying to nursing schools in Washington and I am looking for others who are doing the same. I haven't seen much about Grays Harbor CC. Does anyone know the average amount of points it takes to get accepted? Or is anyone else a...