CRNA-hopeful -2020

CRNA-hopeful -2020 BSN


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  1. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) CRNA Fall 2020

    I interview March 4th. I applied when the app opened.
  2. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) CRNA Fall 2020

    Through email, today.
  3. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) CRNA Fall 2020

    I got an interview! anybody else?
  4. Union University CRNA 2020

    Yep ?
  5. Union University CRNA 2020

  6. Union University CRNA 2020

  7. Union University CRNA 2020

    Got mine also! Good luck everyone!
  8. Union University CRNA 2020

    Georgia here. First year applying and Union is the only program I am applying to this cycle.
  9. Union University CRNA 2020

  10. Union University CRNA 2020

    From the people that I know who've applied in the past, you hear back in about two weeks about an interview.
  11. Union University CRNA 2020

    I enjoyed it. The faculty was very nice and it seemed like a family environment.
  12. Union University CRNA 2020

    When I went for the preview day, they said it was acceptable. My charge did mine.