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About HappyCCRN1

HappyCCRN1 has 10 years experience as a BSN and specializes in SRNA.

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  1. Shadowing Experience

    I asked a CRNA that was dropping off a post-op patient in our SICU how I could go about shadowing her or another CRNA since I was interested in applying to schools. We exchanged numbers and I followed up with her. She set it all up and was extremely ...
  2. Preparing for interviews

    I found this post very helpful while preparing for my interviews. I also searched for threads from years past on interview styles for each school that was interviewing me. Some schools change it up every year and it's best to be prepared for everythi...
  3. Active Duty vs Reserve Air Force

    I will second the above in regards to your CRNA goal. I'm not at all familiar with military options, but in civilian world, ground or flight transport will typically require a bare minimum of 3 years experience (in ED or ICU). CRNA requires 1 year o...
  4. CRNA Schools with Online Components

    Loma Linda University. According to their website (and 2 colleagues I knew that attended), the first six months are entirely hybrid and require minimal student on-campus attendance. University of South California's first Summer semester is online. F...
  5. Certification and Work Benefits?

    I’ve worked at 3 different hospitals that offered a $1000 bonus for one certification. Decided to do my CCRN at the hospital that did this AND even paid for me to take the review class. They actually paid for the 2 day review course, gave me “educati...
  6. Critical Care Eliticism?

    I’m dying. This comment by this username is the best thing I have seen on this site yet. It’s going to be a great week. Thank you.
  7. Completely agree. This kind of report would typically take 30-45 minutes on 2 ICU patients. I think a condensed version would be more feasible for 5-6 med/surg patients. Some sort of consistency in report and accountability of the off going nurse goe...
  8. So not agency then, but maybe you could go full time at another facility and stay prn where you’re at now (considering you’d keep the tuition benefit). I wish I had a better solution to offer. It sounds like the tuition benefit is great and something...
  9. If your priority is getting a job with your parent company, I personally would not leave just yet. Ask yourself what would happen if you give your notice, quit, and then there are no availabilities on a unit you prefer or with hours you prefer? You’d...
  10. This practice was forbidden by management on the last unit I worked so it was definitely not part of the culture. We were told if you wanted to look your patients up and access their chart, you had to clock in (but not before 7 til) and be back in th...
  11. Restraint Free Facility?!

    Have you asked management this? Your concern for safety is valid. Is this something only happening on the floors? If so, there must be an alternative solution that they can offer. I can’t imagine not having restraints available on my vented patients ...
  12. Running the pump dry

    Agree with the above. If you are giving an antibiotic or electrolyte replacement, etc., they need the whole bag. Use a secondary in this situation. I see infusing those medications with a primary set instead of a secondary as a nursing sin—it drives ...
  13. A rant and a question re: CRNA master’s program

    No, there are no online master’s CRNA programs. The timing of this with your circumstances just suck. I’m sorry it’s not working out the way you envisioned. I can imagine the frustration of this. Your feelings are understandable and your wanting ...
  14. 5 Year Plan?

    This was a question for one of my application essays. If you’re involved in committees or leadership roles now, do you enjoy them, and is that something you’d want to do as a CRNA? If so, speak to that. Have you done research before or find particu...
  15. I can’t stop crying over a bad death

    First, I’m very sorry for your experience and feelings of inadequacy. We have all been there. Through this, you will be a better provider and a better person. I am curious, though, if there was any diagnostic imaging ordered? And if her other vitals ...