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  1. Sac Carrington LVN to RN 2019

    @Yatz2019 what was ur total points for unitek when you applied? I applied with 71/100 points possible and just don’t know how competitive that score is ?
  2. Sac Carrington LVN to RN 2019

    @Jsingh1999Hello! was there any particular reason you didn’t pursue unitek? I’m waiting to hear back from them if I got into the lvn-bsn program it has been 10 days since the application deadline closed. Carrington was my plan B
  3. Sac Carrington LVN to RN 2019

    @Yatz2019Hello! Does carrington accept unitek prerequisites? May I also know what score you got on the teas?
  4. Sac Carrington LVN to RN 2019

    Hello! Does carrington accept unitek prerequisites?
  5. Full-time job, nursing school, and a baby?

    Wow it looks like we have a lot in common with goals and current situations(: id love to chat one day! Please feel free to email me at [email protected]
  6. Full-time job, nursing school, and a baby?

    Hi there(: I too have been working as an LVN for 3 years. Got married a couple months ago! Now that I am 28, I am ready to save up to be a new house owner and have kids. However, I do want to start a LVN-BSN program. Even those programs are now compe...