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All Content by nyrse

  1. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    Has anyone gotten calls for nicu or womens health units?
  2. CHLA RN Residency March 2022

    did anyone have their niccu interview today? if yes how was it?
  3. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    have you gotten a call yet?
  4. just noticed that the application status changed to "review in progress"!
  5. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    What unit were you applying for?
  6. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    Has anyone gotten “routed for further consideration” but still haven’t heard anything yet?
  7. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    my application also changed to routed for further consideration!
  8. Hi! I was just wondering if anyone was able to share what kind of interview questions they had for the NICCU?
  9. CHLA Versant RN Residency September 2021 Cohort

    Hi! I was just wondering if anyone was able to share what kind of interview questions they had for the NICCU?
  10. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    What unit did you apply for/ mention?
  11. CHLA RN Residency March 2022

    Has anyone heard back for 2nd round of interviews for the nicu?
  12. Hey I was just wondering if you ended up accepting a position for providence?
  13. Has anyone been offered day shift and tried asking to have night shift instead?
  14. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    also what unit was it for?
  15. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    congrats! do you know what area code the call was from?
  16. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    do you know when it went to under review?
  17. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    my application says "application under review". I don't remember if this is what it always said since I submitted. Does anyone recall if their app said this after they submitted?
  18. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    Before it changed to routed for further consideration, what did it say? Did it say applied/submitted when you first applied or did it say under review the moment you applied?
  19. did anyone see their portal change for st.john's L&D?
  20. Rady New Grad Nurse Residency - Winter 2022

    did anyones application status change or does it still say "submitted"
  21. CHLA RN Residency March 2022

    can someone who interviewed already share their experience or any tips?
  22. UC Davis Nurse Residency Program - Spring 2022

    Does anyone know when we're supposed to hear back?
  23. Hey! Do you know if UCSD is still slowly posting their new grad positions? Right now it’s just a few units, wondering if there will be more.
  24. Most places either pay u a higher base rate for the 12 hours + over time after 12 or they give u a low base rate for 8 hours + 1.5 for last 4.
  25. In California LOL. I’ve worked at 3 different hospitals and 2/3 pay straight pay for 12 hours.