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  1. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Scrubs are pewter grey but you will be wearing blue for Spring 2021. Lectures 2 days and labs on either of those days. Your days will be Wednesday and Thursdays. Clinicals will be either a mon, tues, fri or sat. Sites are done based on availability a...
  2. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    $120 is before you get accepted. After acceptance you have a ton more vaccinations and or titers to get. Acceptance is where you start spending the money. So save up from now to make things easier.
  3. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Below is from LSC: Complete the following courses with a minimum grade point average of 2.7 or higher: BIOL 2401 and ENGL 1301. (BIOL 2401 is required to meet the admission criteria; however, the highest grade in BIOL 2401 or 2402 will be used for ca...
  4. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Oh wow that awesome for you. Cyfair is not playing. Not sure what to say about the books. Maybe someone from Previous semester can shed some light.
  5. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    @canickell11 I was just thinking the same thing. To them it might seem like they are no longer interested in it. Especially that the background check is not complete and that may take awhile. This is a bad decision.
  6. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Based on what you responded to @canickell11 you do not need to retake the hesi. Because your score for reading is good. you let it seem as if you got a 69 for a subject area.
  7. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    It is not 75 overall for English. It is 75 for grammar, 75 for vocabulary, 75 for math, 75 for AP and 75 for reading. Do yourself a favor and visit an information session and make sure that you speak with the nursing advisor not the regular advisor. ...
  8. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    You need to retake the hesi. A score below 75 will prevent you from getting accepted. See below the requirements. I took that from the website. Required HESI Scores: A. In order to apply for any LSC A.D.N. program, the student must attain a minim...
  9. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    LOL you are correct but I guess that’s why they said for the orientation in January is you’re 1 minute late you won’t be allowed to enter.
  10. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Ok didn’t know that.
  11. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    I look at it that someone persons knew they would not pass the drug test which was administered yesterday as well some got offered spots at other programs whether associate or bachelors and some have unexpected live events that just won’t make it pos...
  12. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

  13. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    You’re welcome remember mine example is just an example. Try to get all A in prerequisites and aim for minimum 88 in HESI especially if you decide to apply for spring start date. Spring is super competitive because space is limited. I have my reso...
  14. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN

    Add your gpa for English and your gpa for anatomy and divide by 2. then add your hesi score example: 3.5+4=7.5/2= 3.75 HESI: say you made 90. Divide that 90 by 25= 3.6 then add the 3.75+3.6= 7.35 out of 8 hope that helps.
  15. Lone Star Spring 2020 ADN
