
jdbsn2012 BSN, RN

Labor and Delivery

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All Content by jdbsn2012

  1. Regis College Online FNP

    I would love to leave my discord information if anyone wants to make or add me to their chat so that we can keep in communication. I am in the online Regis FNP DNP program and taking my first few classes. My discord name is @jemiberry #2722
  2. Working at Cedars-Sinai

    Hi, I just finished a video interview with the manager of the floor I am considering. Did you accept the position? How are you liking it so far? I know it is very busy, even the manager had warned me beforehand that it gets very busy. Please let...
  3. Cedars-Sinai's Labor & Delivery

    Hi, im currently considering working at cedars Sinai and would love to hear if you scripted the position. How do you like working there? What don’t you like about working there? Please give me an honest insight! Thank you so much
  4. Regis College Online DNP

    Hi, I also applied to the online BSN-DNP at Regis. How long did it take you to get an answer? I’m a little nervous about doing full time work with school. How are the core classes with your work? Is it doable? I don’t have any kids but I was thi...
  5. Regis College Online FNP Program Fall 2020

    I just applied to this program for the august start..I would also like flexibility but isn’t this program part time only? I was drawn to this college because it’s one of the few ones that offers online BSN-DNP at a reasonable price.. all of the other...
  6. UCI DNP Fall 2021

    Hi, I applied to UCI BSN-DNP for Fall 2021, just wanted to start this thread as a way to keep the conversation going for those who applied! I haven’t heard back yet, and do not have a timeline. Does anyone have any information on whe...
  7. UCI DNP Fall 2021

    Hi there, I was reaching out to UCI in regards to my application and they just informed me I will not be moving on to the interview portion. I had to email them for a response. I hope that you are able to move forward!
  8. UC Irvine DNP-FNP Fall 2020

    Yes I did reach out and found out that I was not selected to move on to interview. Thanks.
  9. UC Irvine DNP-FNP Fall 2020

    @kittymold did you apply for the priority consideration? I had applied in January 2021 for Fall 2021 start and have not heard back. Does this mean I’m no longer being considered? did you apply for the priority consideration? I had applied in Ja...
  10. UCI DNP Fall 2021

    Have you applied? ? we should keep each other updated! So far, nothing from UCI regarding my application. I had applied in January.
  11. I applied to CSUF this term for the midwifery program and I have 1.5 years experience as an L&D nurse. I didn’t get an interview because of “experience level” but my GPA was 3.72, and I was very active as a NSNA member with previous PCT experienc...
  12. UCLA New Graduate Residency Winter 2019-2020

    Good afternoon!! I applied to the new grad program with my 1st choice Med-Surg, 2nd choice OR and I got an interview with OR yesterday. Today I received an rejection email from UCLA from the OR haha i hope that someone more qualified can take my plac...
  13. UCLA New Graduate Residency Winter 2019-2020

  14. Providence TIP Residency Program January 2020

    Has anyone heard back with an offer from mission hospital?
  15. UCLA New Graduate Residency Winter 2019-2020

    Has anyone who put med-surg as their first choice heard back for an interview? ?
  16. CHLA RN Residency March 2020

    Just wanted to reach out and see if anyone had heard back from the heart institute still? Haha
  17. Scripps New Grad RN January/March 2020

    Also received a denial email. Good job to those of you who got offered positions ?
  18. Scripps New Grad RN January/March 2020

    Do you happen to know if they received their congrats emails last night?
  19. CHOC RN Residency August 2019

    Hi! I'm currently applying for the Feb 2020 cohort for CHOC NICU, and had some questions. Did everyone who receive an interview have a preceptorship at a children's hospital/floor? How strict are they with hiring without that experience, for any chil...
  20. City of Hope New Grad 2018

    Hi there! I just finished an interview with the BMT last week. Was just wondering how long did you take to hear back after the interview? The unit manager also responded to my thank you email after...just wanted to know if anyone has experience with ...
  21. Scripps New Grad RN January/March 2020

    Hi ABSN girl, yes I only interviewed with two units, which I thought was kind of strange because I don't remember listing down any particular unit on my application haha! I thought my interview went well as well, they were very kind and it felt relax...
  22. Scripps New Grad RN January/March 2020

    Thank you so much! How did your interview go? What departments did you interview with, if I may ask? ?
  23. Scripps New Grad RN January/March 2020

    Hi! I just finished my interview with Mercy SD! Anyone else interview with them or know when we hear back? ?
  24. CHLA RN Residency March 2020

    Haa anyone heard from the heart institute?
  25. City of Hope New Grad Ambulatory Care Nov 2019

    hi morgepperson! I believe they are different parts of the outpatient ? But good luck with your interview! They were a bit unclear with me about when I can hear back but I hope it won't be too long. Did you talk to Levell during your first interview...