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  1. In Professional Healthcare Monitoring Program

    Thank you. Catsmeow! Lots of these relate to me. Two years in PHP are behind, three = to go. One day at a time. Here is the related article. 800+ comments. I shared my experience in a few posts as...
  2. what to do now?

    Dear BearRN88, please, try to communicate with VykingBoyRN on this AllNurses Board. Hope and pray that you find a solution soon. Voicefamily Please, do not rush with any payments (12.5K) by using your...
  3. Hope after License Revocation...

    Thank you, Undercat, for your input! Somehow i missed your post. Just responded to VykingBoyRN and saw yours. Interesting thing, A few months ago I was planning on finding a job in the near state of...
  4. Hope after License Revocation...

    Thank you, Friend! Thoughts you share are invaluable to me. Hope dies last. I just got (this afternoon) another NPDB letter saying that there were changes made. My only other state license that has...
  5. Scared to death

    the firm what i found might be in your state as well
  6. Scared to death

    Easy to say, but..do your best to stay dry. 20+ days before a Peth Read it here. Lots of details. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1556-4029.13874 However, sobriety is progressive,...
  7. Hope after License Revocation...

    Thnx, VykingBoy! Seeing a glass half-full takes time to learn. I am getting there. From "self-pity, poor-me, resentful attitude to delays in treatments, etc" I am doing well where I am now. The...
  8. IPN multiple day evaluation

    To: CatsMeow1972. Thanks a lot. The irony was that the second "treatment" program i went to and still participate in a 2-year aftercare is now to utilize my "sobriety skills" toward other Russians...
  9. IPN multiple day evaluation

    Thanks for sharing the story. It closely reminds mine. I went through a 2-day multidisciplinary assessment program. Cheerful and positive having completed "entry level IOP for 4 weeks" (my then...
  10. Hope after License Revocation...

    Thank you guys for such a deep core discussion.At this point I do not hate my AUD (cunning, baffling, powerful) I admire it since it helped me open the door (knock, and it shall be opened unto you) of...
  11. For those who have had license revoked

    Thnx, VikingBoyRN for your strong work to exercise Step 12. Your honest effort is greatly guided. I am glad that i found this site after i was inspired by a sharing from someone at the local home AA...
  12. Hope after License Revocation...

    Two thumbs up! So well written. "Rigorous honesty.." "I am not going to drink regardless.." Mantras like these stay with me every day. One day at a time. Your story is deserved to a chapter in next...