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  1. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Wow that's a good deal! I wish I were size small I would have bought your scrubs and lab coat. I have just graduated to size medium since they were strict on the fitting.
  2. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Hi @Hannah28 I heard theard is navy blue scrubs but have not confirmed yet. I know for sure that we don't have to wear them during orientation..I'm planning to ask then about scrubs. Did you already get the blue clearance from Texas Nursing Board yet...
  3. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    @hannah28 Not yet. I'm going through all my literature again now
  4. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    @Hannah28 I haven't yet. Was your email from identogo?
  5. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Oh wow! Today? Thanks for letting me know
  6. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    @Hannah28 not yet!
  7. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Nope sorry just seeing this @Hannah28. I was wondering about background check. I haven't received an email yet... has anyone received it?
  8. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    I haven't received the email about finger prints yet. Or any other communication. I'm planning on ordering the lab kit next week. I dont know what else need to be done now..
  9. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Still down... I just called them and they said that they are still working on it.
  10. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Hi Hannah! It is still down... I didn't receive an email but I can't download my stuff.
  11. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    @Hannah28Maybe you could let them know that you are accepting the offer but you are interested in Waxahachie as an alternate? You will probably get priority because of your points! Not sure my total points, I had 92 reading, bachelor's degree, CNA ce...
  12. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    I'll be going to Waxahachie.
  13. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    I got in too ?
  14. Navarro College LVN Fall 2019

    Still waiting over here too ? The points were for TEAS, TSI complete, post high school Education, prerequisite completion, healthcare experience... Did they need 2 or one varicella vaccine to apply? Anyone remember?