
10GaugeNeedles BSN

Acute Dialysis

Been in nursing for 11years. Medical ICU was my niche. Acute dialysis is my niche. Travel nursing is my jam.

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All Content by 10GaugeNeedles

  1. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    This is true. It's not contagious. However, the obvious point is, different people have different risks. Obese, elderly, and chronically should be vaccinated, no question. But that is not what is pushed by the narrative. The narrative says all people...
  2. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Well I've seen allot of dismissals with no "here's why"follow-up. There's allot of distrust on the red side. Waving information they don't trust in their face to invalidate their concerns is not helpful. I agree politics has no place in this. But it ...
  3. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Those 640,000 people aren't uniform. Almost all of them were chronically ill, overweight, and or 45 yo or older. I think it would be helpful if the narrative machine acknowledged that risk from severe illness was not uniform. All in the high risk cat...
  4. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Go team purple! ???
  5. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    "Aside from the peer review aspect of it, what makes it invalid?" -JiveTurkey "Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta varia...
  6. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    The kettle is not black.
  7. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    I feel like both sides are missing each other's point. Provaxx (I'll call them"BLUE") and hesitant (I'll call them "red") are firing shots at each other. They are both morons to the other side. Blue says "here's the data. If you reject my data your a...
  8. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    Well, some would disagree with your analysis: "Herd immunity looks different for different viruses. That's because the concept hinges on how easily a particular virus spreads from person to person. "It's still unclear exactly how many peop...
  9. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    This was excellent. The research isn't what I would call valid, but it did lead me to think about the logic behind greater immunity via infection (not to say that's a strategy, but if you already had gotten infected, is it actually necessary to vacci...
  10. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    Correct. According to this story, the number is 78%. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/08/covid-CDC-study-finds-roughly-78percent-of-people-hospitalized-were-overweight-or-obese.html
  11. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Judge strips mother of parental rights since she has not been vaccinated: https://nationalfile.com/cook-county-judge-strips-mother-of-parental-rights-since-she-has-not-been-vaccinated/ Follow up, the order was reversed subsequently.
  12. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    I figured you wouldn't get it. It's not for me to judge whether someone's pain complaint is valid. Pain is what they say it is. I assume you know that. In the same way, someone's decision about vaccination acceptance is their's to make. Nurses a...
  13. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    What do you believe is a valid pain complaint?
  14. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    Nope. we have a representative republic (at least on paper). They are different things. And if you don't like a particular legislation, you go to court. The ballot box is a very inefficient way to address grievances.
  15. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    That's probably a good move. I've been out since January. It's been nice. Don't know if I'll have to sit out again but, I'm prepared for it if I do. Cheers.
  16. Where do you go when you don't trust official data sources?

    I'm not debating anymore. Simply passing and collecting information. But to address your question, there's a difference between the measures of masking in your car alone, masking outside while running, masking at the beach alone, etc (all of these I'...
  17. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    A historical review of vaccination injury. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4599698/
  18. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

    "New Zealand reports death linked to Pfizer vaccine." https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/new-zealand-reports-death-woman-after-pfizer-covid-vaccine-2021-08-30/
  19. Where do you go when you don't trust official data sources?

    Do you have a link that demonstrates mask mandates so what you claim? I haven't seen that but I have seen the opposite.
  20. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    I just wish for camaraderie. When I got out of the military, out of the oil field, and into nursing, it's been constant petty complaining and childish nonsense. Professionalism. Respect. Brotherhood (or sisterhood). That's what I was hoping to find. ...
  21. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    Sigh... Look. This isn't a population wide forum. Convincing me, or anyone else on this channel will not stop anything. Please don't couch the discussion in terms of saving the world. The pandemic is here. We are all in it. We are all humans. There a...
  22. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    I did see one (I can't remember where I saw it now) that suggested natural immunity to delta was slightly better (appr 3%) than the vaccines. But that makes sense since delta is a variant. But watching "official" news and sources is infuriating...
  23. Valid Reasons To Not Get Vaccinated

  24. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    I'm glad it made sense. Some times it's hard to tell if the people on this board can read English. LOL Well basically, I was concerned about the vaccine because I was worried about acquired auto immunity. But looking into it, reading through so...
  25. Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

    "What makes you think it was a COVID infection not bacterial pneumonia as the authors conclude?" -the reason is that secondary, bacterial infection is commonly a result of covid infection. Covid infects, the immune system over reacts, bacter...