
Jeckrn1 ADN, BSN

Operating room, ER, Home Health

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All Content by Jeckrn1

  1. Tall OR nurses?

    It is, I am 5’8 and at times wished I was taller. Some items to plug-in are high up and moving a patient between the OR bed and gurney height helps.
  2. Hemostatic Implants

    I am not sure why to since my facility does not track it and lists it as a medication. Not all items which are derived from human tissue has to be tracked. It depends on how the product is manufactured.
  3. Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

    It’s not just the past administration. The experts have been in their positions for years and under several administrations. We are not trusting because our political leaders from both sides only care about getting re-elected and say and do which hel...
  4. Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

    The same experts that said wear a face shield if you can’t wear a mask to stop an airborne virus. These same experts are now saying wear 2 mask. Also remember these experts said only a N95 would work on a virus of this size before Covid. Could these ...
  5. Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

    I was answering earlier post who stated the vaccine was not experimental.
  6. Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

  7. Getting Flack For Not Getting Covid Vaccine

    Just ask all the veterans who have Gulf War Syndrome and see if they would have liked to refuse all the vaccines they received. As far as having no say about the future what gives anyone the right to say who can or cannot to comment or complain about...
  8. Nursing and AirGuard...

    If you enlist there is no guarantee that you will be able to switch over to an officer.
  9. If you look at history and you will see that not everyone is treated the same even in the same race. This is way we need to fight racism when it happens and not cry racism because you don't get your way which only distracts from the acts that are ra...
  10. I believe you are agreeing with me at first but towards the end I am not sure. I will not stand for any form of racism no matter who it comes from because all races have racist in them. I once worked in a factory where a black man was fired for lyi...
  11. What a bunch of crab; if white privilege was true why do inner city whites have the same issues as inner city blacks. People who thing that their is white privilege are showing their own racist views. Otherwise why were does their rational come from...
  12. Unfortunately some people will use the race card rather then trying to find the real reason. Without knowing who you work for and their history I can not say if there is a history of racism at that facility. If race has nothing to do with ...
  13. VA Nurse Salary

    You should be a Nurse 1 step 10-12. Once you complete your BSN you should be bumped up to a Nurse 2. When you get promoted to Nurse 2 you will be at a minimum what you are making as a Nurse 1
  14. Information Starting a Military Nursing Career

    At one time you could join with your ADN in the Army but not at this time. Each service will look at your nursing experience different. The Army & AF will count your time with your ASN for time in grade were the Navy only uses time as a BSN. Each...
  15. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    You have your agenda and will not believe anything that does not fit what you believe.
  16. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    This just proves that if you don’t wear the right protection it won’t work. Because if you get pee on and the pants are not water proof you will still get wet; just like mask that don’t stop airborne viruses you will still get exposed to the virus.
  17. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    They were listed as Covid deaths so yes the numbers are inflated. If those two had the flu would they be counted as flu deaths?
  18. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Sorry to deflate your bubble but it is true. Just read below. I would think the corner would know. GRAND COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) – The Grand County coroner is calling attention to the way the state health department is classifying some deaths. The...
  19. 2 year probationary period for army civilian nurse

    True, Most of the time is because no one wants to do the work and follow through with it to get rid of the ones who need to go. One of the problems is that supervisors move around so often.
  20. 2 year probationary period for army civilian nurse

    It also comes down to leadership to hold everyone to standards and make a paper trail. In the same vein you should not have to worry about getting fired for any little thing which can happen in some states.
  21. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Well stated. This is why myself and most other HCW’s feel who are not getting the vaccine at this time. If a person what’s or does not want the vaccine that is a personal decision.
  22. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Read my previous post.
  23. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    A perfect example of a previous post of what happens when you don't follow the company line. This post shows the posters bias for the vaccine. By pushing to get a vaccine that has not had long term proper testing being a advocate for your patie...
  24. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    The death rate per 1,000 has increased from 8.7 to 9.1 which is not that great of an increase. The UN has a chart out which has the US death rate increasing every year for the next 30 or so years because of our aging population. They had an increas...
  25. I Really Do Not Want the COVID Vaccine ?

    Of the 300,000 who have died how many died of Covid and how many died with Covid? In the past when flu season was going strong and someone died of a MI where they tested for the flu, no. Now when you come to the hospital for just about any reason y...